a bushy European strong-scented perennial plant, Tanacetum parthenium, with white flower heads, formerly used medicinally: family Asteraceae (composites)
Word origin
Old English feferfuge, from Late Latin febrifugia, from Latin febris fever + fugāre to put to flight
feverfew in American English
a bushy plant (Chrysanthemum parthenium) of the composite family, with finely divided foliage and flowers with white florets around a yellow disk
Word origin
ME fevyrfue < OE feverfuge & Anglo-Fr *fewerfue, both < LL febrifugia < L febris, fever + fugia < fugare, to drive away; akin to fugere, to flee: see fugitive
Examples of 'feverfew' in a sentence
Marigold and feverfew, dandelion and hyssop, thyme and marjoram.