a unipolar transistor consisting of three or more electrode regions, the source, one or more gates, and the drain. A current flowing in a channel between the highly doped source and drain is controlled by the electric field arising from a voltage applied between source and gate
Abbreviation: FET. See also JFET, IGFET
FET in American English
a type of transistor that has its output controlled by an electric field, used to amplify a signal; field-effect transistor
FET in Electrical Engineering
(ɛf i ti) or field-effect transistor
(Electrical engineering: Semiconductor and electronic circuitry)
An FET is a transistor in which the voltage on one terminal creates a field that allows or disallows conduction between the other two terminals.
An FET is a transistor that uses an electric field to control the conductivity of a particularchannel in a semiconductor material.
With an FET, the output current flowing between the source and drain terminals is controlledby a variable electric field applied to the gate terminal.
An FET is a transistor in which the voltage on one terminal creates a field that allowsor disallows conduction between the other two terminals.