Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense fells, present participle felling, past tense, past participle felled
Fell is the past tense of fall.
2. verb [usually passive]
If trees are felled, they are cut down.
Badly infected trees should be felled and burned. [beVERB-ed]
Synonyms: cut down, cut, level, demolish More Synonyms of fell
3. verb
If you fell someone, you knock them down, for example in a fight.
...a blow on the forehead which felled him to the ground. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: knock down, floor, flatten [informal], strike down More Synonyms of fell
4. in one fell swoop
More Synonyms of fell
fell in British English1
to cut or knock down
to fell a tree
to fell an opponent
2. needlework
to fold under and sew flat (the edges of a seam)
3. US and Canadian
the timber felled in one season
a seam finished by felling
Derived forms
fellable (ˈfellable)
Word origin
Old English fellan; related to Old Norse fella, Old High German fellen; see fall
fell in British English2
1. archaic
cruel or fierce; terrible
2. archaic
destructive or deadly
a fell disease
3. one fell swoop
Derived forms
fellness (ˈfellness)
Word origin
C13 fel, from Old French: cruel, from Medieval Latin fellō villain; see felon1
fell in British English3
the past tense of fall
fell in British English4
an animal skin or hide
Word origin
Old English; related to Old High German fel skin, Old Norse berfjall bearskin, Latin pellis skin; see peel1
fell in British English5
(often plural) Northern England and Scottish
a mountain, hill, or tract of upland moor
(in combination)
Word origin
C13: from Old Norse fjall; related to Old High German felis rock
fell in American English1
verb transitive
to cause to fall; knock down
to fell an opponent with a blow
to cut down (a tree or trees)
3. Sewing
to turn over (the rough edge of a seam) and sew down flat on the underside
the trees cut down in one season
5. Sewing
a felled seam
Derived forms
fellable (ˈfellable)
feller (ˈfeller)
Word origin
ME fellen < OE fællan, fellan (< Gmc *falljan), caus. of feallan (< Gmc *fallan), fall
fell in American English2
verb intransitive, verb transitive
pt. of
fell in American English3
fierce; terrible; cruel
archaic except in the phrase at (or in) one fell swoop, with a single effort or action that is completely effective, devastating, etc.
Derived forms
fellness (ˈfellness)
Word origin
ME fel < OFr < ML fello: see felon1
fell in American English4
an animal's hide or skin
a thin membrane of connective tissue under the hide
Word origin
ME fel < OE, akin to Ger fell < IE base *pel-, skin, hide > film, L pellis, skin
fell in American English5
noun British
a rocky or barren hill
a moor; down
Word origin
ME fel < Scand, as in ON fjall, mountain, akin to Ger fels, rock, cliff < IE base *pels- > MIr all, crag, Gr pella, stone
Examples of 'fell' in a sentence
Can felling a tree be hard?
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Pin and stitch the skirt strips together into a ring with flat fell seams.
Churchill, Jane (ed.) Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings (1993)
Patriot militia impeded his way by felling trees across the forest trails.
Garraty, John Arthur The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877 (1995)
But where does this now leave landowners who also face the obligation to fell infected trees?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Pin and stitch short edges together into one long length with flat fell seams.
Churchill, Jane (ed.) Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings (1993)
Experts fear felling all affected trees could be impractical.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Join the side pieces with flat fell seams.
Churchill, Jane (ed.) Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings (1993)
Like a sniper, he took his time to aim before neatly felling the animal.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Pin, tack and stitch lengths together with a narrow flat fell seam.
Churchill, Jane (ed.) Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings (1993)
We've got hills, fells and crags.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The ace fells the king and that's 12 tricks and slam made.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Cash the ace felling East's eight and claim your game.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
East won the ace, felling declarer's king and switched to clubs.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Not only does it add to the unnecessary felling of timber, but it won't burn as well.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The 50 activists constructed tree houses and walkways in branches in protest at the proposed felling of 180 trees.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
No electricity means that rural women in Africa have to fell trees and turn wood into charcoal, just to cook.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Chinese translation of 'fell'
[tree]砍倒 (kǎndǎo)
[opponent]打倒 (dǎdǎo)
in one fell swoop一下子 (yīxiàzi)
Derived Forms
the fellsn pl (Brit) (= moorland) 沼泽(澤)地 (zhǎozédì)
Word forms:ptfell
Word forms:ppfallen
[person, object]掉 (diào)
⇒ Bombs fell in the town.炸弹掉进城里。 (Zhàdàn diàojìn chéng li.)
⇒ Her father fell into the sea.她父亲掉到海里了。 (Tā fùqīn diàodào hǎi li le.)
(= fall over)[person, building]倒下 (dǎoxià)
⇒ She gripped his shoulders to stop herself from falling.她抓住他的肩膀以防自己倒下。 (Tā zhuāzhù tā de jiānbǎng yǐfáng zìjǐ dǎoxià.)
[snow, rain]下 (xià)
⇒ An inch of rain fell within 15 minutes.15分钟内下了1英寸的雨。 (Shíwǔ fēnzhōng nèi xiàle yī yīngcùn de yǔ.)
[price, temperature, currency]下降 (xiàjiàng)
⇒ Oil prices fell by 0.2 per cent.油价下降了0.2%。 (Yóujià xiàjiàngle bǎi fēn zhī líng diǎn èr.)
[government, leader, country]下台(臺) (xiàtái)
⇒ The prime minister fell from power.首相下台了。 (Shǒuxiàng xiàtái le.)
[night, darkness]降临(臨) (jiànglín)
⇒ as darkness fell当黑暗降临时 (dāng hēi'àn jiànglín shí)
[light, shadow]投射 (tóushè)
⇒ A shadow fell over her book.一道阴影投射到她的书上。 (Yī dào yīnyǐng tóushè dào tā de shū shang.)
[silence, sadness, tiredness]降临(臨) (jiànglín)
⇒ Silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards.警察检查身份证的时候,每个乘客都陷入沉默。 (Jǐngchá jiǎnchá shēnfènzhèng de shíhou, měigè chéngkè dōu xiànrù chénmò.)
(c)[of person]摔倒 (shuāidǎo) (次, cì)
⇒ He had a nasty fall.他摔得不轻。 (Tā shuāi de bù qīng.)
(c) (in price, temperature) 下降 (xiàjiàng) (次, cì)
⇒ There has been a sharp fall in the value of the pound.英镑急剧贬值。 (Yīngbàng jíjù biǎnzhí.)
(s)[of government, leader]垮台(臺) (kuǎtái)
⇒ a debate which led to the Government's fall一场导致政府垮台的辩论 (yī chǎng dǎozhì zhèngfǔ kuǎtái de biànlùn)
(c)[of rain, snow]场(場) (chǎng)
⇒ a heavy fall of snow一场大雪 (yī cháng dà xuě)
(c/u) (US, = autumn) 秋天 (qiūtiān) (个(個), gè)
⇒ in the fall of 19911991年秋天 (yījiǔjiǔyī nián qiūtiān)
英 = autumn
Christmas falls on a Sunday圣(聖)诞(誕)节(節)适(適)逢星期天 (Shèngdàn Jié shìféng xīngqītiān)
to fall in love (with sb/sth)爱(愛)上(某人/某事) (àishàng (mǒurén/mǒushì))
to fall flat[joke]毫无(無)效果 (háo wú xiàoguǒ)
to fall short of the required amount达(達)不到要求的数(數)量 (dá bù dào yāoqiú de shǔliàng)
to fall ill/pregnant生病/怀(懷)孕 (shēngbìng/huáiyùn)
which group do you fall into?你属(屬)于(於)哪一组(組)? (nǐ shǔyú nǎ yī zǔ?)
Derived Forms
fallsn pl (= waterfall) 瀑布 (pùbù)
⇒ Niagara Falls尼亚加拉大瀑布 (Níyàjiālā dà pùbù)
Nearby words of
feelings were running high
All related terms of 'fell'
( person, object ) 掉 diào ⇒ Bombs fell in the town. → 炸弹掉进城里。 Zhàdàn diàojìn chéng li. ⇒ Her father fell into the sea. → 她父亲掉到海里了。 Tā fùqīn diàodào hǎi li le.
in one fell swoop
一下子 yīxiàzi
fall in
( roof, ceiling ) 塌陷 tāxiàn
fall to
▶ to fall to sb to do sth ( responsibility ) 做某事的责(責)任落在某人身上 zuò mǒushì de zérèn luòzài mǒurén shēnshang