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View usage for: (æberənt) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]Aberrant means unusual and not socially acceptable. [formal] Ian's rages and aberrant behavior worsened. More Synonyms of aberrant aberrant in British English (æˈbɛrənt) adjective1. deviating from the normal or usual type, as certain animals from the group in which they are classified 2. behaving in an abnormal or untypical way 3. deviating from truth, morality, etc Derived forms aberrance (abˈerrance) or aberrancy (abˈerrancy) noun aberrantly (aˈberrantly) adverb Word origin rare before c19: from the present participle of Latin aberrāre to wander away aberrant in American English (ˈæbərənt; əˈbɛrənt) adjective1. turning away from what is right, true, etc. 2. deviating from what is normal or typical noun3. an aberrant person or thing Derived forms aberrance (abˈerrance) (æˌbɛrəns; əˈbɛrəns) noun or abˈerrancy (æˌbɛrənsi; əˈbɛrənsi) Word origin < L aberrans, prp. of aberrare, to go astray < ab-, from + errare, to wander: see err Examples of 'aberrant' in a sentenceaberrant Soss City possessed no centre, no spot where citizens might gather, should they be seized by such an aberrant desire.But he could not defend what he'd done to the de Braoses, could only put the memory from him, as an aberrant act, a tragic mistake."The humans you deal with will mostly be socially aberrant and so will be less likely to suspect anything out of the ordinary. Definition not normal, accurate, or correct His rages and aberrant behaviour worsened. Synonyms wandering straying rambling deviant (old-fashioned) defective oddball (informal) divergent untypical wacko (slang, old-fashioned) Additional synonymsDefinition different from the normal or usual order or type For years his anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists. Synonyms unusual, odd, rare, bizarre, exceptional, peculiar, eccentric, abnormal, irregular, inconsistent, off-the-wall (slang), incongruous, deviating, oddball (informal), out there (slang), atypical, aberrant, outréDefinition morally depraved the flamboyant and morally corrupt court of Charles the Second Synonyms depraved, abandoned, vicious, degenerate, debased, demoralized, profligate, dishonoured, defiled, dissolutethe corrupted, brutal regime Synonyms depraved, abandoned, perverted, warped, degenerate, debased, demoralized, profligate, dishonoured, defiled, debauched, reprobate- abduct
- abduction
- aberrance
- aberrant
- aberration
- abet
- abetting