释义 |
View usage for: (wɒndəʳ) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense wanders, present participle wandering, past tense, past participle wandered1. verbIf you wander in a place, you walk around there in a casual way, often without intending to go in any particular direction. When he got bored he wandered around the fair. [VERB preposition/adverb] They wandered off in the direction of the nearest store. [VERB preposition/adverb] Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to wander the streets and sleeprough. [VERB noun] Wander is also a noun. A wander around any market will reveal stalls piled high with vegetables. [+ around] 2. verbIf a person or animal wanders from a place where they are supposed to stay, they move away from the place without going in a particular direction. Because Mother is afraid we'll get lost, we aren't allowed to wander far. [VERB adverb/preposition] To keep their bees from wandering, beekeepers feed them sugar solutions. [VERB] 3. verbIf your mind wanders or your thoughts wander, you stop concentrating on something and start thinking about other things. His mind would wander, and he would lose track of what he was doing. [VERB] Jarvis found his attention wandering. [VERB] Grace allowed her mind to wander to other things. [VERB preposition/adverb] Synonyms: stray, roam, digress, get sidetracked More Synonyms of wander 4. verbIf your eyes wander, you stop looking at one thing and start looking around at other things. His eyes wandered restlessly around the room. [VERB preposition/adverb] His eyes kept wandering to the picture. [VERB preposition/adverb] Read their body language. Are their eyes wandering? [VERB] More Synonyms of wander wander in British English (ˈwɒndə) verb (mainly intr)1. (also tr) to move or travel about, in, or through (a place) without any definite purpose or destination 2. to proceed in an irregular course; meander 3. to go astray, as from a path or course 4. (of the mind, thoughts, etc) to lose concentration or direction 5. to think or speak incoherently or illogically noun6. the act or an instance of wandering Derived forms wanderer (ˈwanderer) noun wandering (ˈwandering) adjective, noun wanderingly (ˈwanderingly) adverb Word origin Old English wandrian; related to Old Frisian wandria, Middle Dutch, Middle High German wanderenwander in American English (ˈwɑndər) verb intransitive1. to move or go about aimlessly, without plan or fixed destination; ramble; roam 2. to go to a destination in a casual way or by an indirect route; idle; stroll 3. a. to turn aside or astray (from a path, course, etc.); lose one's way b. to stray from home, friends, familiar places, etc. often with off 4. to go astray in mind or purpose ; specif.,a. to drift away from a subject, as in discussion; stray or roam in thought b. to turn away from accepted belief or morals c. to be disjointed, disordered, incoherent, etc. 5. to pass or extend in an irregular course; meander, as a river 6. to move idly from one object to another said of the eyes, a glance, the hands, etc. verb transitive7. to roam through, in, or over without plan or destination to wander the world Derived forms wanderer (ˈwanderer) noun Word origin ME wandren < OE wandrian, akin to Ger wandern, akin ? to wend, wind 1Examples of 'wander' in a sentencewander We also wander around the old town.The city is great to wander around.Old men and women wander aimlessly around what used to be narrow streets and gardens.The public may like to see a friendly copper wandering around their neighbourhood but they are needed more online.Now his mind wanders back there.Everything is beautifully shot, with rolling fields and pheasants wandering around.They must be fighting for their team, not wandering around the pitch lazily in the comfort zone.He loved nondescript hotel rooms and staring out of windows, as though always looking for another place to wander to.Young red deer are wandering about the hills and through the woods with their mothers.Where people have benches out the tourists will just wander in and pose for selfies on them.You can also wander round the beautiful gardens.What number did you get to before you found your mind wandering off?Why stop at courses and wandering around galleries when you could buy an art school?They provide a great place just to wander around at your own leisure.One or two people wandered about aimlessly.Otherwise just wandering around the town is a pleasurable way to spend an afternoon.The key is to allow your mind to wander.Love that wandered off course can get back to its best now you both want it to.He wanders around this place appearing to have not a care in the world.Or is security so slack that old employees are free to just wander in?If you let your mind wander into the song it can be quite disturbing.Still, at least she had a beautifully landscaped park to wander around.The pleasant, narrow streets off the square also repay a wander.The audience stands and wanders about following the action, ushered around by stewards.Of course, wandering around naked at home is acceptable.No longer could people wander about, as they had at some medieval services.He was also seen wandering around the garden having a full-blown conversation with himself.A great place to wander lonely as a cloud.As in the rival game, you wander around exotic cities and meet characters with their own stories to tell.They could be wandering around a secret garden, exploring outer space or swinging into a crazy jungle to spy hidden treasures. British English: wander / ˈwɒndə/ VERB If you wander in a place, you walk around there in a casual way, often without intending to go in any particular direction. When he got bored, he wandered around the fair. - American English: wander
- Arabic: يَتَجَوَّلُ
- Brazilian Portuguese: vaguear
- Chinese: 漫步
- Croatian: lutati
- Czech: potulovat se
- Danish: vandre omkring
- Dutch: rondzwerven
- European Spanish: deambular
- Finnish: harhailla
- French: errer
- German: umherwandern
- Greek: περιφέρομαι
- Italian: girovagare
- Japanese: 歩き回る
- Korean: 배회하다
- Norwegian: vandre
- Polish: wędrować
- European Portuguese: vaguear
- Romanian: a cutreiera
- Russian: бродить
- Latin American Spanish: deambular
- Swedish: vandra omkring
- Thai: เดินไปโดยไม่มีจุดหมาย
- Turkish: dolaşmak
- Ukrainian: бродити
- Vietnamese: đi lang thang
Chinese translation of 'wander' vi - (= roam)
漫游(遊) (mànyóu) - (because lost)
迷失 (míshī)
- [mind, thoughts]
恍惚 (huǎnghū)
vt - [streets, countryside]
在 ... 闲(閒)逛 (zài ... xiánguàng)
n (s) -
漫步 (mànbù) to wander off/away 走失/走散 (zǒushī/zǒusàn) to have or go for or take a wander 出去逛逛 (chūqù guàngguang)
Definition to walk about in a place without any definite purpose or destination He wandered aimlessly around the garden. Synonyms cruise traipse (informal) go walkabout (Australian) mooch around (slang) stravaig (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect) knock about or around peregrinate Definition (of the mind) to lose concentration She allowed her mind to wander to other things. Synonyms roam get sidetracked go off at a tangent get lost Synonyms babble talk nonsense be delirious be incoherent speak incoherently Definition the act or an instance of wandering Let's go for a wander round the shops. Synonyms excursion cruise traipse (informal) mosey (informal) peregrination Phrasal verbsSee wander offSee wander off something Additional synonymsDefinition to depart from the main subject in speech or writing She digressed from the matter under discussion. Synonyms wander, drift, stray, depart, ramble, meander, diverge, deviate, turn aside, be diffuse, expatiate, go off at a tangent, get off the point or subject Definition to move aimlessly from one place or activity to another People drifted around the room. Synonyms wander, stroll, stray, roam, meander, rove, range, straggle, traipse (informal), stravaig (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect), peregrinate Definition to wander without definite aim or direction We meandered along the Irish country roads. Synonyms wander, stroll, stray, drift, ramble, stravaig (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect) Additional synonymsa meander round the shops Synonyms wander, stroll, amble, saunter, mosey (informal) Definition a leisurely walk for pleasure or display Take a tranquil promenade along a stretch of picturesque coastline. Synonyms stroll, walk, turn, airing, constitutional, saunterDefinition to move stealthily around (a place) as if in search of prey or plunder The stray dogs of the city prowl in packs in search of food. Synonyms move stealthily, hunt, patrol, range, steal, cruise, ghost, stalk, sneak, lurk, roam, rove, scavenge, slink, skulk, nose around Definition to walk for relaxation, sometimes with no particular direction freedom to ramble across the moors Synonyms walk, range, drift, wander, stroll, stray, roam, rove, amble, saunter, straggle, traipse (informal), go walkabout (Australian), perambulate, stravaig (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect), peregrinate Definition to speak or write in a confused style Sometimes she tended to ramble. Synonyms babble, go on, gas, wander, rabbit (on) (British, informal), rattle, chatter, spout (informal), waffle (informal, British), drivel, drone on, gab, twitter, digress, jabber, gabble, rattle on, maunder, witter on (informal), blether, expatiate, run off at the mouth (slang) Definition a walk, esp. in the countryside an hour's ramble through the woods Synonyms walk, tour, trip, stroll, hike, roaming, excursion, roving, saunter, traipse (informal), peregrination, perambulation Definition to roam (over) They range widely in search of carrion. Synonyms roam, explore, wander, rove, sweep, cruise, stroll, ramble, traverse, go walkabout (Australian) Definition to wander about (a place) roving about the town in the dead of night Synonyms wander, range, cruise, drift, stroll, stray, roam, ramble, meander, traipse (informal), go walkabout (Australian), gallivant, gad about, stravaig (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect) Definition to linger behind or wander from a main line or part They came straggling up the cliff road. Synonyms trail, drift, wander, range, lag, stray, roam, ramble, rove, loiter, string out Definition to walk about in a leisurely manner We strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down. Synonyms walk, ramble, amble, wander, promenade, saunter, stooge (slang), take a turn, toddle, make your way, mooch (slang), mosey (informal), stretch your legsAdditional synonymsDefinition a leisurely walk After dinner, I took a stroll around the city. Synonyms walk, promenade, turn, airing, constitutional, excursion, ramble, breath of air Definition a short walk, ride, or excursion I think I'll just go up and take a turn round the deck. Synonyms stroll, airing, walk, drive, ride, spin (informal), circuit, constitutional, outing, excursion, promenade, jaunt, saunterDefinition to pass through, on, or over on foot They walked in silence for a while. Synonyms stride, wander, stroll, trudge, go, move, step, march, advance, pace, trek, hike, tread, ramble, tramp, promenade, amble, saunter, take a turn, traipse (informal), toddle, make your way, mosey (informal), plod on, perambulate, footslog Definition a short journey on foot, usually for pleasure He often took long walks in the hills. Synonyms stroll, hike, ramble, tramp, turn, march, constitutional, trek, outing, trudge, promenade, amble, saunter, traipse (informal), breath of air, perambulation |