structures or ramparts built to protect and surround a position or place for defensive purposes
Examples of 'walls' in a sentence
The faint, familiar sounds of the camp slowly coming awake as dawn approached filtered through the canvas walls of his tent.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
No Dead creatures could come against its walls, for they must also pass above the river's swift waters.
The books in neat, leather-bound collections filled the walls.
All related terms of 'walls'
A wall is one of the vertical sides of a building or room .
wall in
If someone or something is walled in , they are surrounded or enclosed by a wall or barrier .
wall up
If someone walls up a room , or if someone is walled up in it, walls are built blocking every door so that nobody can get in or out.
climb the walls
to feel very frustrated , nervous , or anxious
walls have ears
said to warn someone that they should be careful about what they are saying because people might be listening
cell wall
the outer layer of a cell , esp the structure in plant cells that consists of cellulose , lignin , etc, and gives mechanical support to the cell
a supporting wall constructed by laying cribs at right angles to each other, as in cribwork
a wall built without mortar
fire wall
a fireproof wall to prevent the spread of fire, as from one room or compartment to the next
rock wall
See rock fence
sea wall
A sea wall is a wall built along the edge of the sea to stop the sea flowing over the land or destroying it.
wall off
If part of a place is walled off , it is separated from the rest of the place by a wall.
blank wall
an impassable barricade or obstacle ; a situation in which further progress is impossible
brick wall
a wall made out of brick
flood wall
a wall built along a shore or bank to prevent floods by giving a raised, uniform freeboard and by allowing unimpeded flow to water in a channel
green wall
A green wall is a wall with plants growing in a layer of soil on its surface.
party wall
a wall separating two properties or pieces of land and over which each of the adjoining owners has certain rights
video wall
multiple computer monitors , video projectors , or television sets tiled together contiguously or overlapped in order to form one large screen
breast wall
a retaining wall built to hold back a bank of earth
cavity wall
A cavity wall is a wall that consists of two separate walls with a space between them. Cavity walls help to keep out noise and cold .
Chinese wall
a notional barrier between the parts of a business, esp between the market makers and brokers of a stock-exchange business, across which no information should pass to the detriment of clients
curtain wall
a non-load-bearing external wall attached to a framed structure, often one that is prefabricated
fourth wall
an imaginary barrier between a television programme , film, or play and its audience
garden wall
a wall surrounding a garden or separating two gardens
hanging wall
the rocks on the upper side of an inclined fault plane or mineral vein
living wall
A living wall is the same as a → green wall .
storage wall
a set of shelves , cabinets , or the like that covers or forms a wall
climbing wall
a specially constructed wall with recessed and projecting holds to give practice in rock climbing ; a feature of many sports centres
enclosure wall
a wall that encloses a piece of land
perimeter wall
a wall that serves as a boundary around something
retaining wall
A retaining wall is a wall that is built to prevent the earth behind it from moving.
dry-stone wall
A dry-stone wall is a wall that has been built by fitting stones together without using any cement .
When you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday.
rock fence
a wall built of unmortared stones , as one bordering a field
hole in the wall
A hole-in-the-wall machine is a machine built into the wall of a bank or other building, which allows people to take out money from their bank account by using a special card .