These descending fibers joined some of the large tracts or fasciculi in the brainstem.
Rege Sugárka Papp, Rege Sugárka Papp, Miklos ePalkovits, Miklos ePalkovits 2014, 'Brainstem projections of neurons located in various subdivisions of the dorsolateralhypothalamic area – an anterograde tract-tracing study', Frontiers in Neuroanatomy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
White matter fasciculi represent the primary infrastructure for long distance communication in the brain.
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The conceptual ventral and dorsal visual system pathways likely represent the inferior and superior longitudinal fasciculi.
Ambar Chakravarty 2012, 'The neural circuitry of visual artistic production and appreciation: A proposition',Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology;year=2012;volume=15;issue=2;spage=71;epage=75;aulast=Chakravarty. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Diffusion tensor imaging showed damage in several tracts, including the uncinate fasciculi, the cinguli,the fornix, and the corona radiata.
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The involved major white matter tracts include the corpus callosum, and superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi.
Armin Iraji, Hanbo Chen, Natalie Wiseman, Tuo Zhang, Robert Welch, Brian O'Neil, AndrewKulek, Syed Imran Ayaz, Xiao Wang, Conor Zuk, E. Mark Haacke, Tianming Liu, ZhifengKou 2016, 'Connectome-scale assessment of structural and functional connectivity in mild traumaticbrain injury at the acute stage', NeuroImage: Clinical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Reduced white matter integrity was found in the corpus callosum, cingulum bundles, corticospinal tracts, uncinate fasciculi and inferior longitudinal fasciculi.
Suzee E. Lee, Ana C. Sias, Maria Luisa Mandelli, Jesse A. Brown, Alainna B. Brown,Anna M. Khazenzon, Anna A. Vidovszky, Theodore P. Zanto, Anna M. Karydas, MochtarPribadi, Deepika Dokuru, Giovanni Coppola, Dan H. Geschwind, Rosa Rademakers, MariaLuisa Gorno-Tempini, Howard J. Rosen, Bruce L. Miller, William W. Seeley 2017, 'Network degeneration and dysfunction in presymptomatic C9ORF72 expansion carriers',NeuroImage: Clinical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, only parameters related to the left uncinate, inferior fronto-occipital, and arcuate fasciculi were independently associated with the clinical phenotype.
Michael J. Paldino, M.D., Kara Hedges, Wei Zhang, Ph.D. 2014, 'Independent contribution of individual white matter pathways to language functionin pediatric epilepsy patients', NeuroImage: Clinical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The conjunctive tissue was exuberant in the region amidst the fasciculi for the 12-week group, with evident vascular neoformation.
Waldo Lino Júnior, William Dias Belangero 2005, 'Efeito do Hólmio YAG laser (Ho: YAG) sobre o tendão patelar de ratos após 12 e 24semanas de seguimento The effects of Holmium YAG laser (Ho:YAG) on the patellar tendonof rats after 12 and 24 weeks of follow up', Acta Ortopédica Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (