the derived SI unit of electric capacitance; the capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which a potential of 1 volt is created by a charge of 1 coulomb
Symbol: F
Word origin
C19: named after Michael Faraday
farad in American English
(ˈfærˌæd; ˈfærəd)
the basic unit of electric capacitance in the SI and MKS systems, equal to the capacitance of a capacitor that stores a charge of one coulomb when one volt is applied
abbrev. F
Word origin
after Faraday
farad in Electrical Engineering
(færəd) or F
Word forms: (regular plural) farads
(Electrical engineering: Circuits, Electrical power, Computing and control)
A farad is a unit of capacitance.
One coulomb can be defined as one farad of capacitance times one volt of electric potential difference.
Because the farad is a very large quantity, capacitance in electronic applications is usually expressedin millionths of a farad.
A farad is a unit of capacitance.
Word originsThis word is named for Michael Faraday (1791-1867), the English physicist and chemistwho contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.