You describe something as fantastic or fantastical when it seems strange and wonderful or unlikely.
Unlikely and fantastic legends grew up around a great many figures, both real andfictitious.
The book has many fantastical aspects.
More Synonyms of fantastic
fantastic in British English
adjective also: fantastical
strange, weird, or fanciful in appearance, conception, etc
created in the mind; illusory
extravagantly fanciful; unrealistic
fantastic plans
incredible or preposterous; absurd
a fantastic verdict
5. informal
very large or extreme; great
a fantastic fortune
he suffered fantastic pain
6. informal
very good; excellent
of, given to, or characterized by fantasy
not constant; capricious; fitful
given to fantastic moods
9. archaic
a person who dresses or behaves eccentrically
Derived forms
fantasticality (ˌfantastiˈcality) or fantasticalness (fanˈtasticalness)
Word origin
C14 fantastik imaginary, via Late Latin from Greek phantastikos capable of imagining, from phantazein to make visible
fantastic in American English
existing in the imagination; imaginary; unreal
fantastic terrors
having a strange or weird appearance; grotesque; odd; quaint
fantastic designs
strange and unusual; extravagant; capricious; eccentric
a fantastic plan
seemingly impossible; incredible
fantastic progress in science
: Also fanˈtastical
noun Archaic
a person who is fantastic in behavior, dress, etc.; eccentric
SYNONYMY NOTE: fantastic implies a lack of restraint in imagination, suggesting that which is extravagantlyfanciful or unreal in design, conception, construction, etc. [fantastic notions]; bizarre suggests that which is extraordinarily eccentric or strange because of startlingincongruities, extreme contrasts, etc. [music with a bizarre atonality]; grotesque suggests a ludicrously unnatural distortion of the normal or real, or a fantasticcombination of elements [the grotesque grimaces of the comedian]
Derived forms
fantastically (fanˈtastically)
fantasticalness (fanˈtasticalness)
Word origin
ME fantastik < OFr fantastique < ML fantasticus < LL phantasticus < Gr phantastikos, able to present or represent to the mind < phantazein, to make visible < phainein, to show: see fantasy
Examples of 'fantastic' in a sentence
We used to have a fantastic love life.
The Sun (2016)
The pair look not quite fantastic as plastic in his new sketch show.
The Sun (2016)
They do a fantastic job for darts.
The Sun (2016)
It is tragic to lose such a fantastic man at such a young age.
The Sun (2016)
He's a great manager and fantastic person.
The Sun (2016)
But that's one of the reasons it has such a fantastic quality of life.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He is a very special man and for that I think it is fantastic to keep him here.
The Sun (2016)
Viewers will get more choice while broadcasters and content providers both national and local will get a fantastic new means of finding audiences," he said.
Computing (2010)
I was sad that not one of the You Says mentioned the fantastic scenery and wonderful sets.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
We moved in together and life was fantastic.
The Sun (2011)
You are going to look and feel fantastic.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The players are doing a fantastic job.
The Sun (2009)
You can pick these players in our fantastic free squad game.
The Sun (2011)
She was just an unbelievably fantastic person.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The music is fantastic and songs from all genres are covered.
The Sun (2010)
This is a great opportunity to do something fantastic for the fans.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Focus on building a fantastic new social life.
The Sun (2012)
This is when you harvest a fantastic crop of opportunity.
The Sun (2015)
He is just the most fantastic man.
The Sun (2013)
We have a fantastic life and enjoy working together.
The Sun (2011)
There are three fantastic games to look forward to.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Has done fantastic job since he became skipper and his batting has thrived.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Plus enjoy a second night in a choice of five fantastic cities absolutely free.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
She is a fantastic person and looks after me brilliantly.
The Sun (2012)
She has great taste in music and a fantastic sense of humour.
The Sun (2010)
It is fantastic to have something in common like this.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
This is a fantastic opportunity to come and play football.
The Sun (2015)
He is a great player and a fantastic man to have around the club.
The Sun (2009)
But it is from this point on that his hitherto insignificant and unsuccessful life took a fantastic new turn.
Grenville, J. A. S. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century (1994)
Everyone says they make fantastic husbands.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
We are fighting on two fronts and I would take either one and say what a fantastic season.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
In other languages
British English: fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ ADJECTIVE
If you say that something is fantastic, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good.
I have a fantastic social life.
American English: fantastic
Arabic: هَائِل
Brazilian Portuguese: fantástico
Chinese: 奇异的
Croatian: fantastičan
Czech: skvělý
Danish: fantastisk
Dutch: fantastisch
European Spanish: fantástico
Finnish: fantastinen
French: fantastique
German: fantastisch
Greek: φανταστικός
Italian: fantastico
Japanese: すばらしい
Korean: 환상적인
Norwegian: eventyrlig
Polish: fantastyczny
European Portuguese: fantástico
Romanian: fantastic
Russian: фантастический
Latin American Spanish: fantástico
Swedish: fantastisk
Thai: วิเศษ
Turkish: harika
Ukrainian: фантастичний
Vietnamese: tuyệt vời
All related terms of 'fantastic'
fantastic way
If you refer to a way of doing something, you are referring to how you can do it, for example the action you can take or the method you can use to achieve it.
fantastic idea
An idea is a plan, suggestion , or possible course of action.
fantastic news
News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event.
fantastic view
The view from a window or high place is everything which can be seen from that place, especially when it is considered to be beautiful .
fantastic chance
If you have a chance to do something, you have the opportunity to do it.
fantastic feeling
A feeling is an emotion , such as anger or happiness.
fantastic player
A player in a sport or game is a person who takes part, either as a job or for fun .
fantastic result
A result is the situation that exists at the end of a contest .
fantastic atmosphere
The atmosphere of a place is the general impression that you get of it.
fantastic opportunity
An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do.
fantastic performance
Someone's or something's performance is how successful they are or how well they do something.