acting to inhibit the activity of the nerves that are stimulated by adrenaline
Examples of 'beta-blocking' in a sentence
The most commonly used medication classes were mineral supplements, vitamins, antianemic preparations, antibacterials, and beta-blocking agents.
Rowa Al-Ramahi 2012, 'Medication prescribing patterns among chronic kidney disease patients in a hospitalin Malaysia', Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation;year=2012;volume=23;issue=2;spage=403;epage=408;aulast=Al-Ramahi. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The alpha-blocking agent phenoxybenzamine remained the mainstay in preoperative preparation before the introduction of beta-blocking agents.
Sanath Kumar B. S., Rohit Date, Nicholas Woodhouse, Omayma El-Shafie, Karin Nollain 2014, 'Successful Management of Phaeochromocytoma using Preoperative Oral Labetalol and IntraoperativeMagnesium Sulphate; Report of four cases', Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (