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View usage for: (fæmɪn) Word forms: plural faminesvariable nounFamine is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die. Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine. The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies. Synonyms: hunger, want, starvation, deprivation More Synonyms of famine famine in British English (ˈfæmɪn) noun1. a severe shortage of food, as through crop failure or overpopulation 2. acute shortage of anything Word origin C14: from Old French, via Vulgar Latin, from Latin famēs hunger famine in American English (ˈfæmɪn) noun1. an acute and general shortage of food, or a period of this Word origin ME < OFr < VL * famina < L fames, hunger < IE base * dhē-, to wither away > daze More idioms containingfamine it's feast or famine Examples of 'famine' in a sentencefamine Of course, a complete end to war, disease and famine across the globe would be wonderful.There is no sense of the liquidity famine ending any time soon.Famine required people to move abroad to build new lives.Wars that killed more through famine and hunger than through actual conflict.They collect for famine relief and give time to good causes.They were given a potato famine of a script.The world is blighted by drought and famine.The cause of their anguish is not war or famine.The famine relief office officials shrugged and directed me to the military police commander.He insists there is no evidence for claims money sent for famine relief was used to buy arms.It has done more to allay the physical ills of disease and famine than any other impulse known to man.The year-long fish hunger famine had given way to feast.The cold and rain afflicted much of Europe and led to widespread famine and disease.Famine, war and disaster followed.You are thrown into hostile environments: not just war zones but patrols in deserted villages and earthquake zones rife with famine and disease.In most people's minds, drought equals famine.It's one of those outré places that live in self-imposed famine with vanity hunger.But when disease, famine or drought strike, life is cut short.Famine, disease, and misery were rife.We need famine relief, but we're just not a fashionable tribe.The following year was so cold it led to widespread crop failures, famine and disease across Europe.Most have been involved in providing food and medical care to victims of the famine, drought and war in Somalia. QuotationsThey that die by famine die by inchesMatthew HenryExpositions on the Old and New Testament British English: famine / ˈfæmɪn/ NOUN A famine is a serious shortage of food in a country, which may cause many deaths. ...refugees trapped by war and famine. - American English: famine
- Arabic: مَجاعَة
- Brazilian Portuguese: penúria
- Chinese: 饥荒
- Croatian: glad
- Czech: hladomor
- Danish: hungersnød
- Dutch: hongersnood
- European Spanish: hambruna
- Finnish: nälänhätä
- French: famine
- German: Hungersnot
- Greek: λιμός
- Italian: carestia
- Japanese: 飢饉
- Korean: 기근
- Norwegian: hungersnød
- Polish: głód
- European Portuguese: fome
- Romanian: foamete
- Russian: голод
- Latin American Spanish: hambruna
- Swedish: hungersnöd
- Thai: ความขาดแคลนอาหาร
- Turkish: kıtlık
- Ukrainian: голод
- Vietnamese: nạn đói
Chinese translation of 'famine' n (c/u) -
饥(飢)荒 (jīhuang) (阵(陣), zhèn) famine relief 赈(賑)济(濟)饥(飢)荒 (zhènjì jīhuang)
Definition a severe shortage of food The severity of the drought led to famine. QuotationThey that die by famine die by inches [Matthew Henry – Expositions on the Old and New Testament]Additional synonymsDefinition an inadequate amount a dearth of resources Synonyms lack, want, need, absence, poverty, shortage, deficiency, famine, inadequacy, scarcity, paucity (formal), insufficiency, sparsity, scantiness, exiguousness Unemployment can sometimes cause social deprivation. Synonyms want, need, hardship, suffering, distress, disadvantage, oppression, detriment, privation (formal), destitutionattempts made to relieve destitution Synonyms pennilessness, want, distress, dire straits, privation (formal), penury, neediness, beggary, indigence, pauperism, impecuniousness, utter poverty |