A wallaby is an animal similar to a small kangaroo. Wallabies live in Australia and New Guinea.
wallaby in British English
nounWord forms: plural-bies or -by
any of various herbivorous marsupials of the genera Lagorchestes (hare wallabies), Petrogale (rock wallabies), Protemnodon, etc, of Australia and New Guinea, similar to but smaller than kangaroos: family Macropodidae
2. on the wallaby
Word origin
C19: from native Australian wolabā
Wallaby in British English
nounWord forms: plural-bies
a member of the international Rugby Union football team of Australia
wallaby in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈwallabies or ˈwallaby
any of various small and medium-sized herbivorous marsupials (family Macropodidae) that are very similar to kangaroos