A factory is a large building where machines are used to make large quantities of goods.
He owned furniture factories in New York State.
Synonyms: works, plant, mill, workshop More Synonyms of factory
factory in British English
nounWord forms: plural-ries
a building or group of buildings containing a plant assembly for the manufacture of goods
(as modifier)
a factory worker
2. rare
a trading station maintained by factors in a foreign country
3. Canadian
(formerly) a main trading station for the exchange and transshipment of furs
Derived forms
factory-like (ˈfactory-ˌlike)
Word origin
C16: from Late Latin factorium; see factor
factory in American English
(ˈfæktəri; often ˈfæktri)
nounWord forms: pluralˈfactories
a building or buildings in which things are manufactured; manufacturing plant
a trading settlement maintained by factors
Word origin
Fr factorie < facteur: see UNRESOLVED CROSS REF; (sense 2) < Port feitoria
Examples of 'factory' in a sentence
These included pan-European headquarters, new factories and sales offices.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Town birds are kept warm on cold nights by heat from buildings and factories.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The factory originally manufactured paint and varnish.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The plan was that we would initially position a company group in the factory.
Stewart, Bob (Lt-Col) Broken Lives (1993)
His factories make one in ten cars.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Normally large chemical factories pose little or no threat to the public.
Lashford, Stephanie The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food (1988)
The parts are then shipped to the factory for final assembly.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Many countries are pumping resources into building their own new steel factories.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Vintage factory or shop furniture is very chic.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Most of the buildings were originally factories or warehouses and have amazing high ceilings and huge windows.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
It is more like an accidental fire which destroys a large factory at an industrial plant.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Adding to capacity is no longer about building a new factory or an additional production line.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Building factories and getting all the new technology to work together was no simple matter.
John Cassidy DOT.CON (2001)
Where would we get our electric and fancy goods that we no longer have the factories to make?
The Sun (2008)
Many of the old villas had been torn down to make space for the workers of a furniture factory.
Marsden, Philip The Crossing-Place (1993)
The company is raising 2.5m to help fund the construction of a larger factory.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The new factory will be able to produce 45,000 tonnes.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
I spent one summer during seminary working nights in a factory that manufactured them.
Christianity Today (2000)
Elderly patients will receive dignified care only when managers stop seeing wards as factory assembly lines, health experts said yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
This is usually found in relatively small working groups, like a dance troupe or an autonomous working group in a factory.
Torrington, Derek Personnel Management: A New Approach (1991)
Machines take no account of human needs, and you need not be working on a factory assembly line to feel as though you are.
Atkinson, Jacqueline M Coping with Stress at Work (1988)
It's 1968 and a group of female factory workers go on strike over unfair pay.
The Sun (2011)
Their absorption into the factories of New England speeded the disintegration of the system of hiring young farm women.
Garraty, John Arthur The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877 (1995)
The house uses wooden walls clad in zinc, which are manufactured at a factory near Berlin then assembled on site.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The yellow book has seen taxpayers, rather than companies, bear the cost of redundancies as shrinking budgets have shut defence factories across the country.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
In other languages
British English: factory /ˈfæktərɪ/ NOUN
A factory is a large building where machines are used to make goods in large quantities.
American English: factory
Arabic: مَصْنَع
Brazilian Portuguese: fábrica
Chinese: 工厂
Croatian: tvornica
Czech: továrna
Danish: fabrik
Dutch: fabriek
European Spanish: fábrica
Finnish: tehdas
French: usine
German: Fabrik
Greek: εργοστάσιο
Italian: fabbrica
Japanese: 工場
Korean: 공장
Norwegian: fabrikk
Polish: fabryka
European Portuguese: fábrica
Romanian: fabrică
Russian: фабрика
Latin American Spanish: fábrica
Swedish: fabrik
Thai: โรงงาน
Turkish: fabrika
Ukrainian: фабрика
Vietnamese: nhà máy
All related terms of 'factory'
bomb factory
a site or building in which terrorists illicitly and secretly create bombs
dairy factory
a factory making butter , cheese , lactose , etc from milk collected from surrounding farming areas
Factory Acts
laws relating to factories
factory farm
a farm in which animals are bred and fattened using modern industrial methods
factory floor
The factory floor refers to the workers in a factory, as opposed to the managers . It can also refer to the area where they work.
coming directly from the factory ; brand new
factory hand
a person who works in a factory
factory price
the price quoted for manufactured goods for pickup at the gate of a factory , before certain handling , shipping, and similar costs
factory ship
A factory ship is a large fishing boat which has equipment for processing the fish that are caught, for example by cleaning or freezing them, before it returns to port .
factory work
work in a factory
fish factory
a factory where fish is processed
glass factory
a factory for the moulding of glass
glove factory
a factory where gloves are made
silk factory
a factory where silk thread or fabric is manufactured
sugar factory
a factory which refines sugar from organic sources into a form that can be used in cooking etc
canning factory
a building or group of buildings containing a plant assembly where food is sealed in cans or tins to preserve it
factory chimney
a tall chimney of a factory
factory closure
The closure of a place such as a business or factory is the permanent ending of the work or activity there.
factory farming
Factory farming is a system of farming which involves keeping animals indoors , often with very little space, and giving them special foods so that they grow more quickly or produce more eggs or milk .
factory outlet
A factory outlet is a shop where a factory sells damaged or out-of-date goods directly to customers at reduced prices.
factory worker
a person who works in a factory
armaments factory
a factory for producing armaments
factory activity
Activity is a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done.
factory inspector
a person who inspects factories
munitions factory
a factory where munitions are made
ordnance factory
a factory that makes military weapons and ammunition
engineering factory
a factory where engineering products are made
the factory floor
all the workers in a factory
on the factory floor
in a factory ; as a factory worker
branch plant
a plant or factory in Canada belonging to a company whose headquarters are in another country
Chinese translation of 'factory'
工厂(廠) (gōngchǎng) (家, jiā)
a building where goods are manufactured in large quantities
He owned furniture factories in New York.
The plant provides forty per cent of the country's electricity.
a textile mill
a small workshop for repairing secondhand motorcycles
assembly line
shop floor
manufactory (obsolete)
Additional synonyms
in the sense of mill
a factory, esp. one which processes raw materials
a textile mill
in the sense of plant
a factory or workshop
The plant provides forty per cent of the country's electricity.
in the sense of workshop
a room or building where manufacturing or other manual work is carried on
a small workshop for repairing secondhand motorcycles