all the people not belonging to a specific in-group
Examples of 'out-group' in a sentence
Selective enhancement of mimicry to out-group persons framed as physically threatening confirmed this hypothesis.
Birgit Rauchbauer, Jasminka Majdandžić, Stefan Stieger, Claus Lamm 2016, 'The Modulation of Mimicry by Ethnic Group-Membership and Emotional Expressions', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0161064. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
We visualized in-group and out-group smiles with reverse correlation image classification.
Andrea Paulus, Michaela Rohr, Ron Dotsch, Dirk Wentura 2016, 'Positive Feeling, Negative Meaning: Visualizing the Mental Representations of In-Groupand Out-Group Smiles.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Likewise, the collective memory of the conflict led individuals to have prejudices against out-group members.
Cahyo Pamungkas 2017, 'Social contexts of exclusionary reactions: study on Muslim and Christian relationin the city of Ambon', Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Also, both the in-group preference and the out-group derogation characterised group attraction.
Ramadhar Singh, Naureen Bhullar, Krithiga Sankaran 2019, 'Leader-versus-member and fair-versus-biased categorisations as safeguards againstnegative effects of demographic diversity on group attraction', IIMB Management Review Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Post-competition, each participant was scanned while evaluating performances from in-group and out-group members.
Melissa eLittlefield, Martin eDietz, Des eFitzgerald, Des eFitzgerald, Kasper J. Knudsen,James eTonks 2015, 'Being asked to tell an unpleasant truth about another person activates anterior insulaand medial prefrontal cortex', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Those low in relational mobility differentiate when an out-group member causes the harm.
Michael A. Moncrieff, Pierre Lienard 2018, 'Moral Judgments of In-Group and Out-Group Harm in Post-conflict Urban and Rural CroatianCommunities', Frontiers in Psychology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Yet many of these approaches treat radicalization as a unique attitude towards out-group membership.
Carter Matherly 2018, 'Searching for Satisfaction: A Review of the Social Motivators of Seeking ExtremistGroup Membership', Journal of Strategic Security Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
After the conflict, both in-group and out-group donations increased again.
Antonio S Silva, Ruth eMace 2015, 'Inter-group conflict and cooperation: field experiments before, during and after sectarianriots in Northern Ireland', Frontiers in Psychology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Again, this pattern of out-group bias was only evident under high perceptual load.
Gewnhi Park, Jay J Van Bavel, LaBarron K Hill, DeWayne P Williams, Julian F Thayer 2016, 'Social Groups Prioritize Selective Attention to Faces: How Social Identity ShapesDistractor Interference.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
In addition, participant geographic location was associated with out-group distrust.
Shen Zhang, Miao Xu, Xueting Li, Huizhen Fang, Shengmin Yang, Jia Liu 2013, 'Implicit trust between the Uyghur and the Han in Xinjiang, China.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (