any of various insect-eating birds of the Old World tropics and subtropics that have a loud incessant song: family Muscicapidae (warblers, thrushes, etc)
babbler in American English
a person or thing that babbles
any of the birds of the family Timaliidae, many of which have a loud, babbling cry
Word origin
[1520–30; babble + -er1]This word is first recorded in the period 1520–30. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: accent, junior, monkey, normal, phrase-er is a suffix used in forming nouns designating persons from the object of their occupationor labor (hatter; tiler; tinner; moonshiner), or from their place of origin or abode (Icelander; southerner; villager), or designating either persons or things from some special characteristic or circumstance(six-footer; three-master; teetotaler; fiver; tenner)
Examples of 'babbler' in a sentence
The babbler spends most of its time on the ground, foraging for insects between rocks.