the act of staying in one place or remaining inactive in expectation of something
I couldn't stand all the waiting.
The waiting became almost unbearable.
2. no waiting
waiting in American English
that waits
of or for a wait
that serves or is in attendance
the act of one that waits
in waiting
More idioms containing
play a waiting game
Examples of 'waiting' in a sentence
A woman with an open white coat appeared in the waiting room.
Hugo Wilcken THE EXECUTION (2002)
Sir Andony emerged from the hall to speak to the knights waiting outside.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2002)
They were in the interview room, waiting for Ryan Gordon to be processed.
Karin Slaughter BLINDSIGHTED (2002)
All related terms of 'waiting'
When you wait for something or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives .
in waiting
in attendance , as on a king or other person of royalty
no waiting
used on road signs to mean vehicles are not allowed to park , even for short periods of time
call waiting
Call waiting is a telephone service that sends you a signal if another call arrives while you are already on the phone.
waiting game
If you play a waiting game , you deal with a situation by deliberately doing nothing, because you believe you will gain an advantage by acting later , or because you are waiting to see how other people are going to act.
waiting list
A waiting list is a list of people who have asked for something which cannot be given to them immediately , for example medical treatment, housing , or training , and who must therefore wait until it is available .
waiting room
A waiting room is a room in a place such as a railway station or a clinic , where people can sit down while they wait.
waiting period
A waiting period is a period of time after insurance coverage has been bought during which no claims can be made.
a lady of a royal household who attends a queen or princess
A lady-in-waiting is a woman whose job is to help a queen or princess.
ready and waiting
If you want to emphasize that a person is properly prepared for something, or that something can now be used, you can say that they are ready and waiting .
wait in
If you wait in , you deliberately stay at home and do not go out, for example because someone is coming to see you.
wait on
If you are waiting on something, you are waiting for it to happen , for example before you do or decide anything.
wait up
If you wait up , you deliberately do not go to bed, especially because you are expecting someone to return home late at night .
a man who comes from a family of high social standing and who is attached to a royal household or to the household of a person of high rank
a man who comes from a family of high social standing and who is attached to a royal household or to the household of a person of high rank
government in waiting
a political group which is hoping to be elected to govern in the near future
play a waiting game
to delay making any decisions or taking any action, because you think that it is better to wait and see how things develop
waiting in the wings
standing offstage and ready to make an entrance
wait around
If you wait around or wait about , you stay in the same place, usually doing very little, because you cannot act before something happens or before someone arrives .
an accident waiting to happen
If you describe something or someone as an accident waiting to happen , you mean that they are likely to be a cause of danger in the future, for example because they are in poor condition or behave in an unpredictable way.
what are you waiting for
If you say to someone ' What are you waiting for? ' you are telling them to hurry up and do something.
You can say ' wow ' when you are very impressed , surprised , or pleased .
wait in a line
When people wait in a line , they stand in a line waiting for something.