any minute crustacean of the mainly freshwater subclass Ostracoda, in which the body is enclosed in a transparent two-valved carapace
Derived forms
ostracodan (ˌɒstrəˈkəʊdən) or ostracodous (ˌostraˈcodous)
Word origin
C19: via New Latin from Greek ostrakōdēs having a shell, from ostrakon shell
Examples of 'ostracode' in a sentence
Some ecological and zoogeographical aspects of this new ostracode are briefly discussed.
Anderson L. M. de Morais, João C. Coimbra 2014, 'On a new genus and species of Hemicytheridae (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from the southernBrazilian coast', Iheringia: Série Zoologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (