nounWord forms: plural-sories or -soria (-ˈsɔːrɪə)
Roman Catholic Church another word for monstrance
Word origin
C18: from Medieval Latin ostensorium; see ostensible
monstrance in British English
Roman Catholic Church
a receptacle, usually of gold or silver, with a transparent container in which the consecrated Host is exposed for adoration
Word origin
C16: from Medieval Latin mōnstrantia, from Latin mōnstrāre to show
ostensorium in American English
(ˌɑstənˈsɔriəm, -ˈsour-)
nounWord forms: plural-soria (-ˈsɔriə, -ˈsouriə)
Roman Catholic Church
Word origin
[1750–60]This word is first recorded in the period 1750–60. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Yankee, continental, infiltrate, permeability, summation