language note: The spelling Orthodox is also used for meaning [sense 3].
1. adjective
Orthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people.
Payne gained a reputation for sound, if orthodox, views.
Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment.
...orthodox police methods.
Synonyms: established, official, accepted, received More Synonyms of orthodox
2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
If you describe someone as orthodox, you mean that they hold the older and more traditional ideas of their religion or party.
...orthodox Jews.
...orthodox communists.
3. adjective
The Orthodox churches are Christian churches in Eastern Europe which separated from the western church in the eleventh century.
...the Greek Orthodox Church.
More Synonyms of orthodox
orthodox in British English
conforming with established or accepted standards, as in religion, behaviour, or attitudes
conforming to the Christian faith as established by the early Church
Derived forms
orthodoxly (ˈorthoˌdoxly)
Word origin
C16: via Church Latin from Greek orthodoxos, from orthos correct + doxa belief
Orthodox in British English
of or relating to the Orthodox Church of the East
2. (sometimes not capital)
of or relating to Orthodox Judaism
(of an individual Jew) strict in the observance of Talmudic law and in personal devotions
orthodox in American English
conforming to the usual beliefs or established doctrines, as in religion, politics, etc.; approved or conventional [orthodox ideas]
; specif.,
conforming to the Christian faith as formulated in the early ecumenical creeds and confessions
b. [O-]
strictly conforming to the rites and traditions of Judaism, such as kashrut, the Sabbath, etc., as formulated by the Torah and Talmud
2. [O-]
designating or of any of the churches comprised in the Eastern Orthodox Church
Word origin
< Fr or LL: Fr orthodoxe < LL orthōdoxus < LGr(Ec) orthodoxos, orthodox (in religion) < Gr orthos (see ortho-) + doxa, opinion < dokein, to think: see decent
Examples of 'orthodox' in a sentence
This new edition has been fully revised to include new research in both orthodox and alternative medicine.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
But how does the average orthodox doctor proceed to treat the heart sufferer?
Mervyn, Leonard Preventing Heart Disease (1987)
This fantasy is hardly an orthodox view.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Part of the reason women are deserting orthodox medicine is a general disenchantment with its technology.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
Expert opinion rarely looks sympathetically on those who challenge the orthodox view.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
You should make sure you tell your orthodox doctor or consultant about any alternative remedies you may be trying.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
What worked as an orthodox body of political and social laws under the garb of divine sanction does not work now.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
At the time the orthodox view was that comprehensive schools needed to be at least six forms of entry in size.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
This view is practically orthodox now.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
He can't be seen as an orthodox political thinker because his perspective is far too broad.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
While orthodox medicine often seems rather preoccupied with the causes and effects of disease, alternative forms of medicine are more interested in what constitutes health.
de Jong, Eveline Alternative Health Care for Children (1989)
It's clear that orthodox medicine doesn't have all the answers where cancer is concerned.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
Because of this familiarity, women are very conscious of the reliance of orthodox medicine on drugs or regular tests as a way of dealing with ill health.
MacEoin, Beth Healthy By Nature (1994)
In other languages
British English: orthodox ADJECTIVE
beliefOrthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people.
Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment.
American English: orthodox
Brazilian Portuguese: ortodoxo
Chinese: 正统的 >观念、方法、制度等
European Spanish: ortodoxo
French: traditionnel
German: orthodox
Italian: ortodosso
Japanese: 正統的な
Korean: 정통의
European Portuguese: ortodoxo
Latin American Spanish: ortodoxo
British English: orthodox ADJECTIVE
person If you describe someone as orthodox, you mean that they hold the older and more traditional ideas of their religion or party.