a Boeotian giant famed as a great hunter, who figures in several tales
Orion in British English2
nounWord forms: Latin genitiveOrionis (ˌɔːrɪˈəʊnɪs)
a conspicuous constellation near Canis Major containing two first magnitude stars (Betelgeuse and Rigel) and a distant bright emission nebula (the Orion Nebula) associated with a system of giant molecular clouds and star formation
Orion in American English
1. Classical Mythology
a hunter whom Diana loves but accidentally kills
2. Astronomy
an equatorial constellation between Taurus and Lepus, containing the bright stars Rigel and Betelgeuse
Word origin
ME < L < Gr Ōriōn
Examples of 'Orion' in a sentence
These were native to a planet they'd explored somewhere in the Orion Nebula and imported to their home world.