An oriole is a bird which has black and yellow or orange feathers. There are several different sorts of oriole.
...a pair of golden orioles.
oriole in British English
any songbird of the mainly tropical Old World family Oriolidae, such as Oriolus oriolus (golden oriole), having a long pointed bill and a mostly yellow-and-black plumage
any American songbird of the family Icteridae, esp those of the genus Icterus, such as the Baltimore oriole, with a typical male plumage of black with either orange or yellow
Word origin
C18: from Medieval Latin oryolus, from Latin aureolus, diminutive of aureus, from aurum gold
oriole in American English
(ˈɔriˌoʊl; ˈoʊriˌoʊl)
any of an Old World family (Oriolidae) of chiefly yellow-and-black passerine birds, including the golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)
any of a genus (Icterus, family Icteridae) of American passerine birds, including the Baltimore oriole, thathave bright plumage of orange (or yellow) and black, and build hanging nests
Word origin
OFr oriol < ML aureolus < L, golden, dim. of aureus < aurum, gold: see east