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ex-husband in British English (ˌɛksˈhʌzbənd) Examples of 'ex-husband' in a sentenceex-husband But Gina's mood was such that right now she blamed her latest ex-husband for everything.It was not his business, but-- `Mrs Sorel, if your ex-husband ever bothers you, you should go to the police.Ellis's absence abroad would not make the slightest difference to his own way of life or hers, whether as husband or ex-husband. In other languagesex-husband British English: ex-husband / ɛksˈhʌzbənd/ NOUN A woman's ex-husband was once her husband but is no longer her husband. - American English: ex-husband
- Arabic: زَوْجٌ سابِق
- Brazilian Portuguese: ex-marido
- Chinese: 前夫
- Croatian: bivši suprug
- Czech: bývalý manžel
- Danish: eksmand
- Dutch: ex-man
- European Spanish: ex marido
- Finnish: entinen aviomies
- French: ex-mari
- German: Exmann
- Greek: πρώην σύζυγος
- Italian: ex marito
- Japanese: 先夫
- Korean: 전남편
- Norwegian: eksmann
- Polish: były małżonek
- European Portuguese: ex-marido
- Romanian: fost soț
- Russian: бывший муж
- Latin American Spanish: ex marido
- Swedish: före detta man
- Thai: อดีตสามี
- Turkish: eski koca
- Ukrainian: колишній чоловік
- Vietnamese: chồng trước