permitting the transmission of signals in only one direction in a radio circuit, etc
Compare duplex
nounWord forms: pluralsimplexes or simplicia (sɪmˈplɪʃə)
2. linguistics
a simple not a compound word
3. geometry
the most elementary geometric figure in Euclidean space of a given dimension; a line segment in one-dimensional space or a triangle in two-dimensional space
Word origin
C16: from Latin: simple, literally: one-fold, from sim- one + plex, from plicāre to fold; compare duplex
simplex in American English
having only one part; not complex or compounded
designating or of a system of telegraphy, telephony, etc. in which a signal can be transmitted in only one direction at a time
nounWord forms: pluralˈsimplexes or ˈsimpliˌces (ˈsɪmpləˌsiz)
3. Ancient Mathematics
an element or figure contained within a Euclidean space of a specified number of dimensionsand having one more boundary point than the number of dimensions (Ex.: a simplex of zero dimensions is a point, of one dimension is a line segment, of two dimensions is atriangle and its interior, of three dimensions is a tetrahedron and its interior)
Word origin
L, simple < IE base *sem-, one + *plak-: see duplex
Examples of 'simplex' in a sentence
In the first stage, that of the simplex, one is caught within the bounds of a single worldview.
Zindell, David THE BROKEN GOD
`How else may one progress from the simplex to the higher stages of plexity?