an instrument for measuring the rate of evaporation of water into the atmosphere
Also called: evaporimeter, evaporometer
Derived forms
atmometry (atˈmometry)
evaporimeter in American English
an instrument for measuring the rate at which water evaporates; atmometer
Word origin
[1820–30; evapor(ation) + -i- + -meter]This word is first recorded in the period 1820–30. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: blouse, boomerang, insider, karma, tetrapod-i- is the typical ending of the first element of compounds of Latin words, as -o- is of Greek words, but often used in English with a first element of any origin,if the second element is of Latin origin. Other words that use the affix -i- include: Frenchify, cuneiform; -meter is a combining form meaning “measure,” used in the names of instruments measuringquantity, extent, degree, etc. Other words that use the affix -meter include: chronometer, gravimeter, nephelometer, radiometer, telemeter
Examples of 'evaporimeter' in a sentence
Nonetheless, good adjustments were obtained for intervals longer than seven-day periods when using the indirect and evaporimeter methods.
José C. Mendonça, Elias F. de Sousa, Salassier Bernardo, Gutemberg P. Dias, SidneyGrippa 2003, 'Comparação entre métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) naregião Norte Fluminense, RJ Comparison of estimation methods of reference crop evapotranspiration(ETo) for Northeren Region of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil', Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental - Agriambi Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The lysimeter and evaporimeter set up measures the water losses by percolation, surface runoff and evapotranspiration.
José Bertoni, Francisco Lombardi Neto, Romeu Benatti Júnior 1976, 'Estudo, em lisimetros monolíticos, de perdas de água e evapotranspiração em três tiposde solos sob diferentes condições de uso Study of some characteristics of soil waterwith monolith lysimeters', Bragantia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (