C16: special use of the shortened form of Thomas, applied to any male, often implying a common or ordinary type of person, etc
tom in British English2
Australian and New Zealand
a temporary supporting post
Word origin
from a specialized use of tom1
Tom in American English
1. US
Uncle Tom
verb intransitiveWord forms: Tommed or ˈTomming US
2. [alsot-]
to behave like an Uncle Tom
tom in American English
the male of some animals, esp. of the cat
a tom turkey
▶ USAGE: Sometimes used in compounds, occasionally with derived senses, as tomcod
Word origin
< Tom, dim. of Thomas1, esp. infl. by tomcat, earlier Tom the Cat (c. 1760): cf. similar use of jack
All related terms of 'tom'
A tom-tom is a tall narrow drum that is usually played with the hands.
tom cat
A tom cat is a male cat.
long tom
a long swivel cannon formerly used in naval warfare
Tom Thumb
General, stage name of Charles Stratton. 1838–83, US person of restricted growth, exhibited in P. T. Barnum's circus
Uncle Tom
In the past , some black people used Uncle Tom to refer to a black man when they disapproved of him because he was too respectful or friendly towards white people.
Peeping Tom
If you refer to someone as a Peeping Tom , you mean that they secretly watch other people, especially when those people are taking their clothes off.
Tom Collins
a long drink consisting of gin , lime or lemon juice , sugar or syrup , and soda water
a drum associated either with the Native Americans or with Eastern cultures, usually beaten with the hands as a signalling instrument
a drum associated either with the Native Americans or with Eastern cultures, usually beaten with the hands as a signalling instrument
Tom and Jerry
a hot mixed drink containing rum , brandy , egg , nutmeg , and sometimes milk
a male cat
Tom, Dick, and Harry
an ordinary or undistinguished person (esp in the phrases every Tom , Dick , and Harry ; any Tom, Dick, or Harry )
Tom, Dick, and Jerry
a hot mixed drink containing rum , brandy , egg, nutmeg , and sometimes milk
every Tom, Dick, and Harry
any person, even an ordinary person with no special skills or qualities