the official heraldic symbols of a family, state, etc, including a shield with distinctive devices, and often supports, a crest, or other insignia
4. bear arms
5. in arms
6. lay down one's arms
7. present arms
8. take arms
9. to arms!
10. up in arms
Word origin
C13: from Old French armes, from Latin arma; see arm2
Examples of 'arms' in a sentence
The King was waiting for them, his smile benign, his arms outstretched in welcome.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
Tarja remembered wanting to slap some sense into her one moment, wanting to die in her arms the next.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
All related terms of 'arms'
Your arms are the two long parts of your body that are attached to your shoulders and that have your hands at the end.
The armrests on a chair are the two pieces on either side that support your arms when you are sitting down.
in arms
armed and prepared for war
arms dump
a hidden store of weapons
arms race
An arms race is a situation in which two countries or groups of countries are continually trying to get more and better weapons than each other.
bear arms
A person's right to bear arms is their right to own and use guns , as a means of defence .
link arms
If two or more people link arms , or if one person links arms with another, they stand next to each other, and each person puts their arm round the arm of the person next to them.
pile arms
to prop a number of rifles together, muzzles together and upwards , butts forming the base
take arms
to prepare to fight
to arms!
arm yourselves!
arms akimbo
with hands on hips and elbows projecting outwards
arms cache
a hidden store of weapons
arms dealer
a person or business that sells weapons and other military equipment
order arms
the order in drill to hold the rifle close to the right side with the butt resting on the ground
small arms
Small arms are guns that are light and easy to carry.
under arms
If a country has people under arms , it has people trained to use weapons and to fight a war.
arms control
an agreement between two or more countries to reduce the number of weapons owned, with the aim of preventing war
canting arms
a coat of arms making visual reference to the surname of its owner
present arms
a position of salute in which the rifle is brought up to a position vertically in line with the body, muzzle uppermost and trigger guard to the fore
reverse arms
to turn one's arms upside down, esp as a token of mourning
shoulder arms
to bring the rifle vertically close to the right side with the muzzle uppermost and held at the trigger guard
up in arms
If people are up in arms about something, they are very angry about it and are protesting strongly against it.
arms inspection
the official checking of a country's weapons and other military equipment, usually to check that international agreements have been respected
arms inspector
a person who carries out an arms inspection
arms limitation
an agreement between two or more countries to reduce the number of weapons owned, with the aim of preventing war
a young baby that has to be carried
call to arms
a command to report for active military duty
coat of arms
The coat of arms of a family, town, or organization is a special design in the form of a shield that they use as a symbol of their identity .
the highest rank of heraldic officer , itself divided into the ranks of Garter , Clarenceaux, and Norroy and Ulster . In Scotland the first is Lyon
a soldier , esp a heavily armed mounted soldier in medieval times
a soldier, esp a heavily armed mounted soldier in medieval times
take up arms
to go to war or rise in rebellion
An A-arm is part of a vehicle's suspension that consists of two rods in the shape of a letter A.
the highest rank of heraldic officer , itself divided into the ranks of Garter , Clarenceaux, and Norroy and Ulster . In Scotland the first is Lyon
the senior rating , of Chief Petty Officer rank, in a naval unit responsible for discipline , administration , and police duties
with open arms
If you welcome some action or change with open arms , you are very pleased about it. If you welcome a person with open arms , you are very pleased about their arrival .
air arm
the aviation section of a national military force, including aircraft, base and support facilities , and personnel
a babe in arms
someone who is very young
be up in arms
to be angry and protesting strongly about something
a fellow soldier or comrade in a shared struggle
a fellow soldier or comrade in a shared struggle
college of arms
any of several institutions in the United Kingdom having a royal charter to deal with matters of heraldry , grant armorial bearings, record and trace genealogies , etc
A comrade-in-arms is someone who has worked for the same cause or purpose as you and has shared the same difficulties and dangers .
a member of the guard who attend the British sovereign on ceremonial and state occasions
a member of the guard who attend the British sovereign on ceremonial and state occasions
the senior rating , of Chief Petty Officer rank, in a naval unit responsible for discipline , administration , and police duties
officer of arms
a pursuivant or herald
sergeant at arms
an officer of a legislative or fraternal body responsible for maintaining internal order
serjeant at arms
an officer of a legislative or fraternal body responsible for maintaining internal order
to take up arms
If one group or country takes up arms against another, they prepare to attack and fight them.
Chinese translation of 'arms'
[dealer, trade]军(軍)火 (jūnhuǒ)
See arm
[of person]胳膊 (gēbo) (条(條), tiáo)
[of jacket, shirt etc]袖子 (xiùzi) (只, zhī)
[of chair]扶手 (fúshǒu) (个(個), gè)
[of organization etc]部门(門) (bùmén) (个(個), gè)
⇒ the political arm of the movement该运动的政治部门 (gāi yùndòng de zhèngzhì bùmén)
[person, nation]武装(裝) (wǔzhuāng)
arms[dealer, trade]军(軍)火 (jūnhuǒ)
arm in arm臂挽臂地 (bì wǎn bì de)
to cost an arm and a leg (inf) 要价(價)过(過)高 (yàojià guò gāo)
at arm's length距离(離)一臂远(遠)的 (jùlí yī bì yuǎn de)
to keep sb at arm's length同某人保持一定距离(離) (tóng mǒurén bǎochí yīdìng jùlí)
to welcome sb/sth with open arms热(熱)烈欢(歡)迎某人/某事 (rèliè huānyíng mǒurén/mǒushì)
to twist sb's arm (inf) 对(對)某人施加压(壓)力 (duì mǒurén shījiā yālì)