European means belonging or relating to, or coming from Europe. some other European countries.
2. countable noun
A European is a person who comes from Europe.
European in British English
of or relating to Europe or its inhabitants
native to or derived from Europe
a native or inhabitant of Europe
a person of European descent
a supporter of the European Union or of political union of the countries of Europe or a part of it
Derived forms
Europeanism (ˌEuroˈpeanˌism)
European in American English
of Europe or its peoples, languages, or cultures
a person born or living in Europe
in Africa and Asia, any Caucasian, or white person
Examples of 'European' in a sentence
She was walking alongside a European man a little taller than her.
There were palatial villas on the European side, fantasy towered homes shining silver white in the moonlight.
In other languages
British English: European /ˌjʊərəˈpɪən/ ADJECTIVE
European means coming from or relating to Europe.
...European countries.
American English: European
Arabic: أُورُوبيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: europeu
Chinese: 欧洲的
Croatian: europski
Czech: evropský
Danish: europæisk
Dutch: Europees
European Spanish: europeo
Finnish: eurooppalainen adjektiivi
French: européen
German: europäisch
Greek: ευρωπαϊκός
Italian: europeo
Japanese: ヨーロッパの
Korean: 유럽의
Norwegian: europeisk
Polish: europejski
European Portuguese: europeu
Romanian: european
Russian: европейский
Latin American Spanish: europeo
Swedish: europeisk
Thai: เกี่ยวกับยุโรป
Turkish: Avrupa
Ukrainian: європейський
Vietnamese: thuộc châu Âu
British English: European /ˌjʊərəˈpɪən/ NOUN
A European is a person who comes from Europe.
American English: European
Arabic: أُورُوبيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: europeu
Chinese: 欧洲人
Croatian: Europljanin
Czech: Evropan
Danish: europæer
Dutch: Europeaan
European Spanish: europeo
Finnish: eurooppalainen henkilö
French: Européen
German: Europäer
Greek: Ευρωπαίος
Italian: europeo
Japanese: ヨーロッパ人
Korean: 유럽 사람
Norwegian: europeer
Polish: Europejczyk
European Portuguese: europeu
Romanian: european
Russian: европеец
Latin American Spanish: europeo
Swedish: europé
Thai: ชาวยุโรป
Turkish: Avrupalı
Ukrainian: європеєць
Vietnamese: người châu Âu
Definition of 'European'
All related terms of 'European'
opposed to the European Union or to political union of the countries of Europe
East European
→ another name for Eastern European
European plan
a hotel rate of charging covering room and service but not meals
European sole
Solea solea , a tongue-shaped flatfish of the family Soleidae , also known as Dover sole or common sole: prefers shallow waters and is highly valued as a food fish
European toad
a European toad , Alytes obstetricans, the male of which carries the fertilized eggs on its hind legs until they hatch : family Discoglossidae
European wasp
a large black-and-yellow banded wasp , Vespula germanica , native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia , now established in Australasia and the US
denoting, belonging to, or relating to a family of languages that includes English and many other culturally and politically important languages of the world: a characteristic feature , esp of the older languages such as Latin , Greek, and Sanskrit , is inflection showing gender , number, and case
of or relating to all European countries or the advocacy of political or economic unity among European countries
having enthusiasm or admiration for the European Union
European bison
a closely related and similar animal, Bison bonasus , formerly widespread in Europe
European Union
The European Union is an organization of European countries which have joint policies on matters such as trade, agriculture , and finance .
Central European
involving or denoting the people, countries, cultures , or languages of Central Europe
Eastern European
relating to, situated in or coming from Eastern Europe
European Community
an economic and political association of European States that came into being in 1967, when the legislative and executive bodies of the European Economic Community merged with those of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community: subsumed into the European Union in 1993
European Council
an executive body of the European Union, made up of the President of the European Commission and representatives of the member states , including the foreign and other ministers. The Council acts at the request of the Commission
European gentian
a gentianaceous plant, Gentiana lutea , the bitter-tasting dried rhizome and roots of which can be used as a tonic
European partridge
a small Old World gallinaceous game bird , Perdix perdix
European standard
a specification to be used as a consistent rule or guideline in the manufacture or selling of a certain product or service traded within Europe
European Commission
the executive body of the European Union formed in 1967, which initiates action in the EU and mediates between member governments
European competition
A competition is an event in which many people take part in order to find out who is best at a particular activity.
European Parliament
the assembly of the European Union in Strasbourg . It consists of 626 directly elected members and its role is largely advisory
Central European Time
the standard time adopted by Western European countries one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, corresponding to British Summer Time
Eastern European Time
a standard time used by some countries in Eastern Europe, such as Finland , Romania , etc and also some countries of the Middle East and North Africa
European Central Bank
the central bank of the European Union , established in 1998 to oversee the process of European Monetary Union and subsequently to direct monetary policy within the countries using the euro
European Social Fund
one of the four Structural Funds of the European Union which aims to support employment and the economic and social well-being of EU member countries
European Space Agency
an organization dedicated to space exploration with 18 European countries as members
the prehistoric unrecorded language that was the ancestor of all Indo-European languages
European Currency Unit
European Currency Unit: a former unit of currency based on the composite value of several different currencies in the European Union and functioning as both the reserve asset and the accounting unit of the European Monetary System; replaced by the euro in 1999
European Economic Area
a free-trade area created in 1994 by an agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), excluding Switzerland , and the European Union (EU)
European Investment Bank
a financial institution of the European Union which is based in Luxembourg and which provides loans , esp to the less economically developed countries of the EU
European Monetary System
the system used in the European Union for stabilizing exchange rates between the currencies of member states and financing the balance-of-payments support mechanism . The original Exchange Rate Mechanism was formed in 1979 but superseded in 1999 when the euro was adopted as official currency of 11 EU member states. A new exchange rate mechanism (ERM II) based on the euro is used to regulate the currencies of participating states that have not adopted the euro
European Monetary Union
the agreement between some members of the European Union to establish a common currency
primitive Indo-European
denoting, belonging to, or relating to a family of languages that includes English and many other culturally and politically important languages of the world: a characteristic feature , esp of the older languages such as Latin , Greek , and Sanskrit , is inflection showing gender , number, and case
single European currency
the official currency , also known as the Euro , of some of the members of the European Union
Single European Market
→ the Single European Market
Dead White European Male
a man whose importance and talents may have been exaggerated because he belonged to a historically dominant gender and ethnic group
European Broadcasting Union
a union of 75 broadcasting organisations from 56 (mainly European) countries and which is responsible for the production of programmes such as the Eurovision Song Contest and the FIFA World Cup
European Court of Justice
The highest court of the European Union . It monitors the equal application of law throughout the EU.
European Defence Community
a plan proposed in 1950 to form a defence force including countries such as West Germany , France, and Italy . This plan was never carried out.
European Economic Community
the former W European economic association created by the Treaty of Rome in 1957; in 1967 its executive and legislative bodies merged with those of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community to form the European Community (now part of the European Union )
European Monetary Institute
an organization set up in 1991 to coordinate economic and monetary policy within the European Union : superseded by the European Central Bank in 1998
European Recovery Programme
a programme of US economic aid for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe (1948–52)
The EU is an organization of European countries which have joint policies on matters such as trade, agriculture , and finance . EU is an abbreviation for 'European Union'.
central Europe , esp. with reference to its culture , style, or customs
Eastern European Summer Time
a summer time used by some countries in Eastern Europe, such as Finland , Romania , etc and also some countries of the Middle East and North Africa
European Atomic Energy Community
short for European Atomic Energy Community ; an authority established by the European Economic Community ( now the European Union ) to develop peaceful uses of nuclear energy
European Free Trade Association
European Free Trade Association ; established in 1960 to eliminate trade tariffs on industrial products; now comprises Norway , Switzerland , Iceland , and Liechtenstein . Free trade was established between EFTA and the EC (now EU) in 1984. In 1994 EFTA ( excluding Switzerland) and the EU together created the European Economic Area (EEA)
the Single European Market
the free trade policy that operates between members of the European Union
European Coal and Steel Community
formerly, an organization made up of six Western European nations which aimed to unify Europe during the Cold War
European Court of Human Rights
a court which protects the basic human rights of Europeans and which is part of the Council of Europe
Chinese translation of 'European'
欧(歐)洲的 (Ōuzhōu de)
(= person) 欧(歐)洲人 (Ōuzhōurén) (个(個), gè)
All related terms of 'European'
European Union
▶ the European Union 欧(歐)洲联(聯)盟 Ōuzhōu Liánméng
European Community
▶ the European Community 欧(歐)洲共同市场(場) Ōuzhōu Gòngtóng Shìchǎng