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View usage for: (saɪləns) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense silences, present participle silencing, past tense, past participle silenced1. variable noun [oft in/of N]If there is silence, nobody is speaking. They stood in silence. He never lets those long silences develop during dinner. Then he bellowed 'Silence!' Synonyms: quiet, peace, calm, hush More Synonyms of silence 2. uncountable nounThe silence of a place is the extreme quietness there. ...the silence of that rainless, all-concealing fog. She breathed deeply, savouring the silence. 3. uncountable noun [oft poss NOUN]Someone's silence about something is their failure or refusal to speak to other people about it. The district court ruled that Popper's silence in court today should be entered asa plea of not guilty. See break your silence 4. verbTo silence someone or something means to stop them speaking or making a noise. A ringing phone silenced her. [VERB noun] The shock silenced him completely. [VERB noun] Synonyms: quieten, still, quiet, cut off More Synonyms of silence 5. verbIf someone silences you, they stop you expressing opinions that they do not agree with. Like other tyrants, he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him. [VERB noun] ...an unsuccessful attempt by the government to silence the debate. [VERB noun] Synonyms: suppress, gag, muzzle, censor More Synonyms of silence 6. verbTo silence someone means to kill them in order to stop them revealing something secret. A hit man had been sent to silence her over the affair. [VERB noun] Synonyms: kill, do in [informal], eliminate [slang], take out [slang] More Synonyms of silence More Synonyms of silence silence in British English (ˈsaɪləns) noun1. the state or quality of being silent 2. the absence of sound or noise; stillness 3. refusal or failure to speak, communicate, etc, when expected his silence on the subject of their promotion was alarming 4. a period of time without noise verb (transitive)7. to put a stop to; extinguish to silence all complaint Word origin C13: via Old French from Latin silēntium, from silēre to be quiet. See silentsilence in American English (ˈsaɪləns) noun1. the state or fact of keeping silent; a refraining from speech or from making noise 2. absence of any sound or noise; stillness 3. a withholding of knowledge or omission of mention to note an author's silence on a point 4. failure to communicate, write, keep in touch, etc. verb transitiveWord forms: ˈsilenced or ˈsilencing6. to cause to be silent; still; quiet 8. to put (enemy guns) out of action Word origin OFr < L silentium < silens: see silent Examples of 'silence' in a sentencesilence Or perhaps it was more accurate to say the silence woke her.In the silence, I could hear Jessica murmuring to herself in her sleep.The moment lasted just long enough for an uncomfortable silence to descend between them.Savage returned the gun to the cabinet, relishing the silence of his apartment. QuotationsSilence is the virtue of foolsFrancis BaconAdvancement of Learning Silence is more eloquent than wordsThomas CarlyleHeroes and Hero-Worship Silence is golden Silence means consent In other languagessilence British English: silence / ˈsaɪləns/ NOUN If there is silence, it is completely quiet. They stood in silence. - American English: silence
- Arabic: صَمْت
- Brazilian Portuguese: silêncio
- Chinese: 沉默
- Croatian: tišina
- Czech: ticho
- Danish: stilhed
- Dutch: stilte
- European Spanish: silencio
- Finnish: hiljaisuus
- French: silence
- German: Stille
- Greek: σιωπή
- Italian: silenzio
- Japanese: 静けさ
- Korean: 침묵
- Norwegian: stillhet
- Polish: cisza
- European Portuguese: silêncio
- Romanian: liniște
- Russian: тишина
- Latin American Spanish: silencio
- Swedish: tystnad
- Thai: ความเงียบ
- Turkish: sessizlik
- Ukrainian: тиша
- Vietnamese: sự im lặng
Chinese translation of 'silence' n (c/u) -
寂静(靜) (jìjìng) (片, piàn)
vt - [person]
使安静(靜) (shǐ ānjìng) - [opposition]
压(壓)制 (yāzhì) in silence 鸦(鴉)雀无(無)声(聲) (yā què wú shēng) to break one's silence 开(開)口讲(講)话(話) (kāikǒu jiǎnghuà)
All related terms of 'silence'Definition the absence of sound They stood in silence. Synonyms stillness quiescence noiselessness Opposites sound , noise , racket , din, uproar , cacophony , tumult Definition refusal or failure to speak or communicate when expected The court ruled that his silence should be entered as a plea of not guilty. Synonyms dumbness taciturnity speechlessness muteness uncommunicativeness voicelessness Opposites talk , talking , speech , shouting , whispering , yelling , murmuring , chatter , clamour , babble , bawling , hubbub , prattle , verbosity , garrulousness , loquaciousness Definition to cause (someone or something) to become silent The shock silenced her completely. Synonyms quiet cut off subdue stifle cut short strike dumb Opposites rouse , amplify , make louder Definition to put a stop to He tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him. Synonyms Opposites support , encourage , spread , promote , broadcast , foster , publicize , disseminate , promulgate , ungag A hit man had been sent to silence her. Synonyms do in (informal) take out (slang) bump off (slang) rub out (US, slang) QuotationsSilence is the virtue of fools [Francis Bacon – Advancement of Learning]Silence is more eloquent than words [Thomas Carlyle – Heroes and Hero-Worship]proverbsSilence is goldenSilence means consentAdditional synonymsDefinition a peaceful state the rural calm of Grand Rapids, Michigan Synonyms stillness, peace, quiet, hush, serenity, tranquillity, repose, calmness, peacefulness Definition to make (something) less intense They managed to deaden the sound. Synonyms suppress, reduce, dull, diminish, cushion, damp, mute, stifle, hush, lessen, smother, dampen, muffle, quietenDefinition to murder They may catch him and dispatch him immediately. Synonyms kill, murder, destroy, do in (slang), eliminate (slang), take out (slang), execute, butcher, slaughter, assassinate, slay (archaic, literary), finish off, put an end to, do away with, blow away (slang, US), liquidate, annihilate, exterminate, take (someone's) life, bump off (slang) Additional synonymsDefinition to murder in cold blood The colonel announced that the opposition had been eliminated. Synonyms murder, kill, do in (slang), take out (slang), terminate, slay, blow away (slang, US), liquidate, annihilate, exterminate, bump off (slang), rub out (US, slang), waste (informal) Definition to deprive of free speech a journalist who claimed he was gagged by his bosses Synonyms suppress, silence, subdue, muffle, curb, stifle, muzzle, quietenDefinition stillness or silence A hush fell over the crowd. Synonyms quiet, silence, calm, still (poetic), peace, tranquillity, stillness, peacefulness Definition a short period of calm a lull in the conversation Synonyms respite, pause, quiet, silence, calm, hush, tranquillity, stillness, let-up (informal), calmnessDefinition to censor or restrict I held a handkerchief over my mouth to muffle my voice. Synonyms deaden, suppress, gag, stifle, silence, dull, soften, hush, muzzle, quietenDefinition to prevent from being heard or noticed He complained of being muzzled by the chairman. Synonyms suppress, silence, curb, restrain, choke, gag, stifle, censorDefinition stillness or silence All I want is a bit of peace and quiet. Synonyms stillness, rest, quiet, silence, calm, hush, tranquillity, seclusion, repose, calmness, peacefulness, quietude, restfulness Definition to overcome or allay He is trying to quell fears of a looming crisis. Synonyms calm, quiet, silence, moderate, dull, soothe, alleviate, appease, allay, mitigate, assuage, pacify, mollify, deadenDefinition to stop (something) from continuing Critics have accused them of trying to stifle debate. Synonyms suppress, repress, prevent, stop, check, silence, curb, restrain, cover up, gag, hush, smother, extinguish, muffle, choke back Definition to make or become quiet or calm Her crying slowly stilled.The people's voice has been stilled. Synonyms quieten, calm, subdue, settle, quiet, silence, soothe, hush, alleviate, lull, tranquillize |