an apparatus fitted for experimentation in optics, typically consisting of a table and an adjustable arrangement of light source, lenses, prisms, etc
optical bench in American English
an apparatus, as a special table or rigid beam, for the precise positioning of light sources, screens, and optical instruments used for optical and photometric studies, having a ruled bar to whichthese devices can be attached and along which they can be readily adjusted
Word origin
[1880–85]This word is first recorded in the period 1880–85. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: highball, irredentist, jackpot, quotation mark, rain check
Examples of 'optical bench' in a sentence
optical bench
Each sensor was mounted on a laboratory optical bench used in a previous study.
Luis Alberto Carvalho, Wallace Chamon, Paulo Schor, Jarbas Caiado de Castro 2006, 'Quantitative comparison of different-shaped wavefront sensors and preliminary resultsfor defocus aberrations on a mechanical eye Comparações quantitativas entre o sensorHartmann-Shack e o sensor de Castro e resultados preliminares para um olho mecânico',Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In this paper, we construct and evaluate an optical bench to assess its precision in optical assembly and bonding.
Yupeng Li, Heshan Liu, Ya Zhao, Wei Sha, Zhi Wang, Ziren Luo, Gang Jin 2019, 'Demonstration of an Ultraprecise Optical Bench for the Taiji Space Gravitational WaveDetection Pathfinder Mission', Applied Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (