a constituent of blood serum that renders invading bacteria more susceptible to ingestion by phagocytes in the serum
Derived forms
opsonic (ɒpˈsɒnɪk)
Word origin
C20: from Greek opsōnion victuals
opsonin in American English
a substance in blood serum acting on bacteria and foreign cells to make them more liable to destruction by phagocytes
Derived forms
opsonic (opˈsonic) (ɑpˈsɑnɪk)
Word origin
obs. opson(ium), relish (< L < Gr opsōnion, food, provisions < opsōnein, to buy food < opson, meat or any food eaten with bread < o-, together with + *psōn, food, bread, akin to psōmos, mouthful) + -in1