the study of different cultural approaches to health, disease, and illness, and of the nature of local healing systems
Examples of 'ethnomedicine' in a sentence
Aconitum species have been traditionally used as ethnomedicine to cure various ailments.
Yoirentomba Meetei SINAM, Sanjeev KUMAR, Sachin HAJARE, Satyendra GAUTAM, GuruaribamSHANTIBALA, Arun SHARMA 2013, 'Morpho-phenological and Antibacterial Characteristics of Aconitum spp.', Notulae Scientia Biologicae Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Ethnomedicine plays an important role in the local healthcare system.
Muhammad Tariq Khan, Latif Ahmad, Wajid Rashid 2018, 'Ethnobotanical Documentation of Traditional Knowledge about Medicinal Plants usedby Indigenous People in Talash Valley of Dir Lower, Northern Pakistan', Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Medicinal plants have long been utilized in traditional medicine and ethnomedicine worldwide.
Da-Cheng Hao, Pei-Gen Xiao 2015, 'Genomics and Evolution in Traditional Medicinal Plants: Road to a Healthier Life',Evolutionary Bioinformatics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Of these 455 ethnobotanical plants, 426 plants are used for ethnomedicine to cure126 ailments.
S.B. Padal, P. Prayaga Murty*, D. Srinivasa Rao and M. Venkaiah 2010, 'Ethnomedicinal Plants from Paderu Division of Visakhapatnam District, A.P, India',Journal of Phytology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Ganoderma resinaceum has been used as an ethnomedicine for lowering blood sugar.
Xian-Qiang Chen, Li-Gen Lin, Jing Zhao, Ling-Xiao Chen, Yu-Ping Tang, De-Lun Luo,Shao-Ping Li 2018, 'Isolation, Structural Elucidation, and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities of TriterpenoidLactones and Their Relevant Biogenetic Constituents from Ganoderma resinaceum', Molecules Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The study of ethnomedicine principally involves the compilation of empirical data, particularly the patterns of illness and treatments from folklore.
Madhu. C. Divakar, Amani Al-Siyabi, Shirley. S. Varghese, Mohammed Al- Rubaie 2016, 'The Practice of Ethnomedicine in the Northern and Southern Provinces of Oman', Oman Medical Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Lithuania has old ethnomedicine traditions, consisting of many recipes with herbal, animal, and mineral original ingredients.
Zivile Pranskuniene, Jurga Bernatoniene, Zenona Simaitiene, Andrius Pranskunas, TaurasMekas 2016, 'Ethnomedicinal Uses of Honeybee Products in Lithuania: The First Analysis of ArchivalSources', Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Research interest and activities in the areas of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine have increasedtremendously in the last decade.
Price Lisa, Pieroni Andrea, Vandebroek Ina 2005, 'Welcome to Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine', Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (