A sierra is a range of mountains with jagged peaks.
...the remote sierras of the south.
...a bustling commercial center in the Sierra Madre.
sierra in British English
a range of mountains with jagged peaks, esp in Spain or America
Derived forms
sierran (siˈerran)
Word origin
C17: from Spanish, literally: saw, from Latin serra; see serrate
Sierra in British English
a code word for the letter s
sierra in American English
a range of hills or mountains having a saw-toothed appearance from a distance
any of several marine scombroid fishes (genus Scomberomorus), valued for sport and as food
Word origin
Sp < L serra, a saw
Word lists with
code words
All related terms of 'sierra'
Sierra Leone
a republic in W Africa, on the Atlantic : became a British colony in 1808 and gained independence (within the Commonwealth ) in 1961; declared a republic in 1971; became a one-party state in 1978; multiparty democracy restored in 1991 but military rule was imposed following a coup in 1992 which led to a civil war that lasted until 2002 in which two million people were displaced ; consists of coastal swamps rising to a plateau in the east. Official language: English. Religion : Muslim majority . Currency : leone . Capital: Freetown . Pop: 7 557 212 (2017 est). Area: 71 740 sq km (27 699 sq miles)
Sierra Madre
the main mountain system of Mexico , extending for 2500 km (1500 miles) southeast from the N border : consists of the Sierra Madre Oriental in the east , the Sierra Madre Occidental in the west , and the Sierra Madre del Sur in the south. Highest peak : Citlaltépetl, 5636 m (18 492 ft) ( disputed )
Sierra Morena
a mountain range in SW Spain , between the Guadiana and Guadalquivir Rivers . Highest peak : Estrella, 1298 m (4259 ft)
Sierra Nevada
a mountain range in E California , parallel to the Coast Ranges. Highest peak : Mount Whitney , 4418 m (14 495 ft)