However, in this study we found elevated densities of epifaunal taxa in oxygen-poor habitats.
Ryan A. Venturelli, Anthony E. Rathburn, Anthony E. Rathburn, Ashley M. Burkett, WiebkeZiebis 2018, 'Epifaunal Foraminifera in an Infaunal World: Insights Into the Influence of Heterogeneityon the Benthic Ecology of Oxygen-Poor, Deep-Sea Habitats', Frontiers in Marine Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Numerous additional epifaunal taxa were detected from rafts that had geologically-distant mainland origins.
Jonathan M. Waters, Tania M. King, Ceridwen I. Fraser, Dave Craw 2018, 'An integrated ecological, genetic and geological assessment of long-distance dispersalby invertebrates on kelp rafts', Frontiers of Biogeography Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We describe components of the benthic community, and calculate secondary production of dominant epifaunal organisms.
Monika Kędra, Paul E. Renaud, Hector Andrade 2017, 'Epibenthic diversity and productivity on a heavily trawled Barents Sea bank (Tromsøflaket)',Oceanologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We submit that paleo-oxygenation methods that use epifaunal indicator taxa need to reconsider the dissolved oxygen requirements of epifaunal taxa.
Ryan A. Venturelli, Anthony E. Rathburn, Anthony E. Rathburn, Ashley M. Burkett, WiebkeZiebis 2018, 'Epifaunal Foraminifera in an Infaunal World: Insights Into the Influence of Heterogeneityon the Benthic Ecology of Oxygen-Poor, Deep-Sea Habitats', Frontiers in Marine Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
During the hyperthermal period, benthic foraminiferal diversity decreased severely, while the dominance of small-sized taxa with epifaunal morphology strongly increased.
Jenö Nagy, David Jargvoll, Henning Dypvik, Malte Jochmann, Lars Riber 2013, 'Environmental changes during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum in Spitsbergenas reflected by benthic foraminifera', Polar Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The bivalve assemblages are composed of four main life forms: 27 epifaunal species, 26 infaunal,16 semi-infaunal, and 20 endolithic.
María del Carmen Esqueda-González, Eduardo Ríos-Jara, Cristian Galván-Villa, FabianRodríguez-Zaragoza 2014, 'Species composition, richness, and distribution of marine bivalve molluscs in Bahíade Mazatlán, México', ZooKeys Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Finally, we observe epifaunal brachiopods communities at the top of our section deposited in a middle shelf environment.
Pedro M. Monarrez, Nicole Bonuso 2014, 'Patterns of fossil distributions within their environmental context from the MiddleTriassic in South Canyon, Central Nevada, USA', Journal of Palaeogeography Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Through time, epifaunal bivalves dominate within a middle shelf environment followed by an increase in infaunalization andshell-thickness.
Pedro M. Monarrez, Nicole Bonuso 2014, 'Patterns of fossil distributions within their environmental context from the MiddleTriassic in South Canyon, Central Nevada, USA', Journal of Palaeogeography Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (