injection of anaesthetic into the space outside the dura mater enveloping the spinal cord
anaesthesia induced by this method
Word origin
C19: from epi- + dur(a mater) + -al1
Examples of 'epidural anaesthesia' in a sentence
epidural anaesthesia
Both groups received combined general – epidural anaesthesia.
Renatas Tikuišis, Povilas Miliauskas, Saulius Cicėnas, Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius 2010, 'Prevencinis epidurinis skausmo malšinimas atliekant krūtinės operacijas', Lietuvos Chirurgija Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia was given.
Shivendu Bansal, Sohan Lal Solanki, Neena Jain, V K Vijayvergia 2011, 'Pneumothorax complicating pulmonary embolism after combined spinal epidural anesthesiain a chronic smoker with open femur fracture', Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology;year=2011;volume=27;issue=3;spage=403;epage=405;aulast=Bansal. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Surgeries were conducted under combined spinal epidural anaesthesia.
Anil Verma, Sangeeta Arya, Sandeep Sahu, Indu Lata, H D Pandey, Harpreet Singh 2008, 'To Evaluate the Role of Gabapentin as Preemptive Analgesic in Patients UndergoingTotal Abdominal Hysterectomy in Epidural Anaesthesia', Indian Journal of Anaesthesia;year=2008;volume=52;issue=4;spage=428;epage=428;aulast=Verma. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Supplementation of sedative/tranquilizer with lumbosacral epidural anaesthesia needs evaluation.
Anubhav Khajuria, Mujeeb ur Rehman Fazili, Riaz Ahmad Shah, Maajid Hassan Bhat, FirdousAhmad Khan, Syed Hilal Yaqoob, Niyaz Ahmad Naykoo, Nazir Ahmad Ganai 2014, 'Comparison between lignocaine hydrochloride and ropivacaine hydrochloride as lumbosacralepidural anaesthetic agents in goats undergoing laparoscopy assisted embryo transfer',Macedonian Veterinary Review Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The incidence of complication were higher for spinal than for epidural anaesthesia.
Anil Agarwal, Kamal Kishore 2009, 'Complications And Controversies of Regional Anaesthesia: A Review', Indian Journal of Anaesthesia;year=2009;volume=53;issue=5;spage=543;epage=553;aulast=Agarwal. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Alpha2 agonists are generally added to local anaesthetics to prolong spinal or epidural anaesthesia time.
Ersin Köksal, Deniz Karakaya, Bilge Can, Ayhan Bozkurt, Sibel Barış, Süleyman SırrıBilge, Yasemin Burcu Üstün 2013, 'Intracerebroventricular Application of Dexmedetomidine Produces Antinociception andDoes not Cause Neurotoxicity in Rats', Balkan Medical Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Thus, patients who received epidural anaesthesia had minimal changes in haemodynamics.
Parul Jindal, Gurjeet Khurana, U C Sharma, J P Sharma, Gaurav Chopra, S Lal 2007, 'Haemodynamic and central venous pressure changes in transurethral resection of prostateduring general, spinal and epidural anaesthesia: A comparative study', Indian Journal of Anaesthesia;year=2007;volume=51;issue=2;spage=121;epage=121;aulast=Jindal. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Standard aseptic laparotomy was performed under lumbosacral epidural anaesthesia with mild sedation.
A. A. Abubakar, R. A. Andeshi, A. S. Yakubu, F. M. Lawal, U. Adamu 2014, 'Comparative Evaluation of Midventral and Flank Laparotomy Approaches in Goat', Journal of Veterinary Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (