a green mineral consisting of hydrated calcium iron aluminium silicate in monoclinic crystalline form: common in metamorphic rocks. Formula: Ca2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH)
Derived forms
epidotic (ˌɛpɪˈdɒtɪk)
Word origin
C19: from French épidote, ultimately from Greek epididonai to increase, from didonai to give; so called because two sides of its crystal are longer than the other twosides
epidote in American English
hydrous calcium aluminum iron silicate, a yellowish-green to black mineral, Ca2(AlFe)3Si3O12(OH), found as monoclinic crystals, grains, or masses and sometimes used as a gem
Derived forms
epidotic (ˌepiˈdotic) (ˌɛpəˈdɑtɪk)
Word origin
Fr épidote < Gr epididonai, to give besides, increase < epi-, over + didonai, to give (see UNRESOLVED CROSS REF): so named by R.-J. Haüy (1743-1822), Fr mineralogist; from the enlarged base ofsome of the crystal forms