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toilsome in British English (ˈtɔɪlsəm) or toilful Derived forms toilsomely (ˈtoilsomely) or toilfully (ˈtoilfully) adverb toilsomeness (ˈtoilsomeness) or toilfulness (ˈtoilfulness) noun laborious in British English (ləˈbɔːrɪəs) adjective1. involving great exertion or long effort 3. (of literary style, etc) not fluent toilsome in American English (ˈtɔɪlsəm) adjective requiring or involving toil; laborious Derived forms toilsomely (ˈtoilsomely) adverb toilsomeness (ˈtoilsomeness) noun Examples of 'toilsome' in a sentencetoilsome "I can see some northern laird welcoming you in his chambers, but your mother might have found more toilsome labor to meet the cost. Synonyms of 'toilsome'laborious, hard, taxing, difficult More Synonyms of toilsome Definition requiring hard work (literary) Additional synonymsDefinition difficult to accomplish The task was more arduous than he had calculated. Synonyms difficult, trying, hard, tough, tiring, severe, painful, exhausting, punishing, harsh, taxing, heavy, steep, formidable, fatiguing, rigorous, troublesome, gruelling, strenuous, onerous, laborious, burdensome, backbreaking, toilsome (literary) Definition not easy to do, understand, or solve It is difficult to read the sign from here. Synonyms hard, tough, taxing, demanding, challenging, painful, exacting, formidable, uphill, strenuous, problematic, arduous, onerous, laborious, burdensome, wearisome, no picnic (informal), toilsome, like getting blood out of a stone Definition showing or requiring a lot of effort or application Coping with three babies is very hard work. Synonyms exhausting, tough, exacting, formidable, fatiguing, wearying, rigorous, uphill, gruelling, strenuous, arduous, laborious, burdensome, Herculean, backbreaking, toilsome- together
- toil
- toilet
- toilsome
- token
- tolerable
- tolerance
Additional synonymsDefinition (of a task) requiring tremendous effort or strength Finding a lawyer may seem like a Herculean task. Synonyms arduous, hard, demanding, difficult, heavy, tough, exhausting, formidable, gruelling, strenuous, prodigious, onerous, laborious, toilsome (literary) Definition tedious or difficult the long and painful journey across the desert Synonyms difficult, arduous, trying, hard, severe, troublesome, laborious, vexatiousDefinition hard to perform or accomplish He had faced an appallingly severe task in the jungle. Synonyms tough, hard, difficult, taxing, demanding, fierce, punishing, exacting, rigorous, stringent, arduous, unrelentingDefinition requiring or involving the use of great energy or effort Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening. Synonyms demanding, hard, tough, exhausting, taxing, uphill, arduous, laborious, Herculean, tough going, toilsome (literary), unrelaxing You won't be asked to do anything too taxing. Synonyms demanding, trying, wearing, heavy, tough, tiring, punishing, exacting, stressful, sapping, onerous, burdensome, wearisome, enervatingDefinition boring and uninteresting the tedious business of line-by-line programming Synonyms boring, dull, dreary, monotonous, tiring, annoying, fatiguing, drab, banal, tiresome, lifeless, prosaic, laborious, humdrum, uninteresting, long-drawn-out, mind-numbing, irksome, unexciting, soporific, ho-hum (informal), vapid, wearisome, deadly dull, prosy, dreich (Scottish) Definition boring and irritating My neighbour is petty and tiresome. Synonyms boring, annoying, irritating, trying, wearing, dull, tedious, exasperating, monotonous, laborious, uninteresting, irksome, wearisome, vexatiousDefinition difficult or troublesome to do or deal with Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job. Synonyms hard, difficult, exhausting, troublesome, uphill, strenuous, arduous, thorny, laborious, irksomeDefinition causing fatigue and irritation a long and wearisome task Synonyms tedious, trying, wearing, boring, exhausting, dull, annoying, fatiguing, troublesome, oppressive, exasperating, tiresome, monotonous, prosaic, humdrum, burdensome, uninteresting, mind-numbing, irksome, bothersome, vexatious, pestilential |