Vivisection is the practice of using live animals for scientific experiments.
...a fierce opponent of vivisection.
vivisection in British English
the act or practice of performing experiments on living animals, involving cutting into or dissecting the body
Derived forms
vivisectional (ˌviviˈsectional)
vivisectionally (ˌviviˈsectionally)
Word origin
C18: from vivi-, from Latin vīvus living + section, as in dissection
vivisection in American English
medical research consisting of surgical operations or other experiments performed on living animals to study the structure and functionof living organs and parts, and to investigate the effects of diseases and therapy
Derived forms
vivisectional (ˌviviˈsectional)
Word origin
< L vivus, alive (see bio-) + section
Examples of 'vivisection' in a sentence
Kate might as well have said vivisection for all the reaction it got, although then again maybe that was what Malcolm was into.
Sue Welfare FALLEN WOMEN (2002)
In other languages
British English: vivisection NOUN
Vivisection is the practice of using live animals for scientific experiments.