The majority of leavers had shorterlengths of service, with periods of employment of less than six months being most common.
Personnel Management: A New Approach (1991)
He would not have been assessed because of the shortlength of his sentence.
The Sun (2010)
Today is the winter solstice, the day with the shortestlength of daylight in the year.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Definition of 'length'
(leŋθ)Explore 'length' in the dictionary
variable noun [oft with poss]
The length of an event, activity, or situation is the period of time from beginning to end for which something lasts or during which something happens.
Definition of 'short'
(ʃɔːʳt)Explore 'short' in the dictionary
If something is short or lasts for a short time, it does not last very long.