An oleander is an evergreen tree or shrub that has white, pink, or purple flowers. Oleandersgrow in Mediterranean countries and in some parts of Asia and Australia.
oleander in British English
a poisonous evergreen Mediterranean apocynaceous shrub or tree, Nerium oleander, with fragrant white, pink, or purple flowers
Also called: rosebay
Word origin
C16: from Medieval Latin, variant of arodandrum, perhaps from Latin rhododendron
oleander in American English
(ˈoʊliˌændər; ˌ oʊliˈændər)
a poisonous evergreen shrub (Nerium oleander) of the dogbane family, with fragrant flowers of white, pink, or red and narrow, leathery leaves
Word origin
ML, earlier also lorandrum: altered < ? L rhododendron