a republic in West Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea: became French Togoland (a League of Nations mandate) after the division of German Togoland in 1922; independent since 1960. Official language: French. Religion: animist majority. Currency: franc. Capital: Lomé. Pop: 7 797 694 (2017 est). Area: 56 700 sq km (20 900 sq miles)
Togo in British English2
Marquis Heihachiro (ˌheɪhɑːˈtʃiːrəʊ). 1847–1934, Japanese admiral, who commanded the Japanese fleet in the war with Russia (1904–05)
Togo in American English
country in W Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea, east of Ghana: a former French mandate, it became independent in 1960: 21,925 sq mi (56,785 sq km); pop. 2,701,000; cap. Lomé
Derived forms
Togolese (ˌTogoˈlese) (ˌtoʊgoʊˈliz; ˌtoʊgoʊˈlis)
adjective, nounWord forms: pluralˌTogoˈlese
Word lists with
country, currency, inhabitant
In other languages
British English: Togo /ˈtəʊɡəʊ/ NOUN
Togo is a republic in West Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea.