释义 |
English translation of '前后' 名 - (= 时间接近)
⇒ 春节前后 (chūnjié qiánhòu) around the time of the Spring Festival
⇒ 暑假前后 (shǔjià qiánhòu) summer holiday time
- (= 自始至终)
⇒ 创作这部小说,前后用了3年时间。 (Chuàngzuò zhè bù xiǎoshuō, qiánhòu yòngle sān nián shíjiān.) Creating the story took three years from start to finish.
- (= 总共)
⇒ 他前后去过3次欧洲。 (Tā qiánhòu qùguo sān cì Ōuzhōu.) He's been to Europe three times altogether.
- (= 前面和后面)
the front and the back