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English translation of '管'


  1. (= 管子) pipe
    ⇒ 水管 (shuǐguǎn) water pipe
    ⇒ 管子 (guǎnzi) tube
  2. (= 乐器) wind instrument
    ⇒ 双簧管 (shuānghuángguǎn) oboe
  3. (= 管状物) tube
    ⇒ 晶体管 (jīngtǐguǎn) transistor
  4. () duct

  1. (= 负责) be in charge of
    ⇒ 管销售 (guǎn xiāoshòu) be in charge of sales
  2. (= 管辖) have jurisdiction over
    ⇒ 这个市管3个区和5个县。 (Zhège shì guǎn sān gè qū hé wǔ gè xiàn.) This city has jurisdiction over three districts and five counties.
  3. (= 管教) discipline
    ⇒ 把自己家的孩子管好 (bǎ zìjǐ jiā de háizi guǎnhǎo) discipline one's children well
  4. (= 过问) interfere
    ⇒ 这事不用你管。 (Zhè shì bù yòng nǐ guǎn.) It's no use you interfering in this.
  5. (= 担任) be in charge of
    ⇒ 她管市场部。 (Tā guǎn shìchǎngbù.) She's in charge of the marketing department.
  6. (= 保证) guarantee
    ⇒ 管保 (guǎnbǎo) guarantee
    ⇒ 管换管退。 (Guǎn huàn guǎn tuì.) The replacement or refund of defective goods is guaranteed.
  7. (= 提供) provide
    ⇒ 管吃管住 (guǎn chī guǎn zhù) provide food and accommodation

  1. narrow
    ⇒ 管见 (guǎnjiàn) in my humble opinion

  1. ⇒ 大家管他叫"小王"。 (Dàjiā guǎn tā jiào "xiǎowáng".) Everyone calls him "Xiao Wang".




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