Neighbourhood gang shootings and violence did not crush his dreams to make music and perform.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Growing worry over shootings and stabbings has rightly led to demands for action.
The Sun (2008)
This ceasefire has grown increasingly shaky in recent months with a series of fatal shootings.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
There were three fatal shootings by officers in the year.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The observatory has compiled details of the fatal shootings.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
London has grown wearily used to stabbings and shootings in which the innocent are all too often caught up.
The Sun (2011)
The court was told of dozens of shootings and stabbings involving rival gang members in the two years before the killing.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
There were some shootings at night.
The Sun (2014)
Mass shootings by women are rare.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It prompted a series of drive-by shootings.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
We have experienced more school shootings than 36 other countries combined.
Christianity Today (2000)
Recent studies show that mass shootings in America have increased in frequency in recent years.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
This week there have been four school shootings in America.
The Sun (2008)
In recent years the US has almost become numb to mass shootings committed by young males.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
But there were eight shootings in the area between January and August last year.
The Sun (2010)
Police are not hunting for anyone else over Sunday night 's shootings.
The Sun (2011)
In South London there has been a rise in teenage gang shootings.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Two days after the shootings, a few local people were allowed up to the car park to what had once been simply an oasis of solitude.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Word lists with
Other sports
In other languages
British English: shooting /ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ NOUN
A shooting is an occasion when someone is killed or injured by being shot with a gun.
Two people were found injured after the shooting.
American English: shooting
Arabic: إِطْلاقُ النَّار
Brazilian Portuguese: tiroteio
Chinese: 射击
Croatian: pucnjava
Czech: střelba
Danish: skyderi
Dutch: schietpartij
European Spanish: tiroteo
Finnish: ammunta
French: fusillade
German: Schießen
Greek: πυροβολισμός
Italian: sparatoria
Japanese: 射撃
Korean: 사격
Norwegian: skyting
Polish: strzelanina
European Portuguese: tiroteio
Romanian: împușcare
Russian: стрельба
Latin American Spanish: tiroteo
Swedish: skytte
Thai: การยิง
Turkish: ateş etme
Ukrainian: стрілянина
Vietnamese: hành động bắn
All related terms of 'shooting'
If someone shoots a person or an animal, they kill them or injure them by firing a bullet or arrow at them.
to locate the cause of (a problem ) and remove or treat it
duck shooting
duck hunting with a gun
shooting box
a small country house providing accommodation for a shooting party during the shooting season
fatal shooting
shooting iron
a firearm , esp a pistol
shooting star
A shooting star is a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the Earth's atmosphere from space , and is seen from Earth as a bright star travelling very fast across the sky .
shooting war
When two countries in conflict engage in a shooting war , they fight each other with weapons rather than opposing each other by diplomatic or other means .
flight shooting
the sport of distance shooting , using a bow ( flight bow ) and arrow ( flight arrow ) designed for maximum distance rather than maximum accuracy
pigeon shooting
the act of hunting and shooting live pigeons
shooting brake
a car with a comparatively long body containing a large carrying space , reached through a rear door : usually the back seats can be folded forward to increase the carrying space
shooting guard
the player responsible for attempting long-range shots
shooting lodge
a country house providing accommodation for a shooting party during the shooting season
shooting match
a shooting competition
shooting party
a social gathering when people shoot game together
shooting range
a place where people practise shooting
shooting script
written instructions indicating to the cameraman the order of shooting
shooting spree
the shooting of a number of people
shooting stick
a device that resembles a walking stick , having a spike at one end and a folding seat at the other
skeet shooting
a form of clay-pigeon shooting in which targets are hurled from two traps at varying speeds and angles
shooting gallery
A shooting gallery is a place where people use rifles to shoot at targets, especially in order to win prizes .
shooting incident
an incident involving guns
shooting practice
practice in shooting for soldiers or other people who shoot guns
drive-by shooting
an incident in which a person, building, or vehicle is shot at by someone in a moving vehicle
clay-pigeon shooting
the activity of shooting clay pigeons
shoot up
If something shoots up , it grows or increases very quickly.
shoot down
If someone shoots down an aeroplane , a helicopter , or a missile, they make it fall to the ground by hitting it with a bullet or missile.
shoot out
A shoot-out is a fight in which people shoot at each other with guns .
the whole shooting match
the whole of something
shoot through
to leave; depart
to go on a shooting spree
to shoot a number of people
be shooting for the same target
if two people are shooting for the same target , they are in agreement about what they are trying to achieve together
A meteor is a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the earth's atmosphere from space .
something is like shooting fish in a barrel
said to mean that one side in a battle or contest is so much stronger than the other that the weaker side has no chance at all of winning
an amusement-park ride with a steep slide , often into a pool of water
a person who acts or talks in a rash , impetuous way