Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own.
Having begun my life in a children's home I have great empathy with the little ones. [+ with/for]
Synonyms: understanding, feeling, appreciation, compassion More Synonyms of empathy
empathy in British English
the power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person's feelings
See also identification (sense 3b)
the attribution to an object, such as a work of art, of one's own emotional or intellectual feelings about it
Derived forms
empathist (ˈempathist)
Word origin
C20: from Greek empatheia affection, passion, intended as a rendering of German Einfühlung, literally: a feeling in; see en-2, -pathy
empathy in American English
the projection of one's own personality into the personality of another in order to understand the person better; ability to share in another's emotions, thoughts, or feelings
the projection of one's own personality into an object, with the attribution to theobject of one's own emotions, responses, etc.
Word origin
< Gr empatheia, affection, passion < en-, in + pathos, feeling: used to transl. Ger einfühlung (< ein-, in + fühlung, feeling)
Examples of 'empathy' in a sentence
She had great empathy with horses and an understanding of what she was asking them to do.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He was booked for showing frustration, which showed a lack of understanding and maybe empathy.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Somehow moving to a place of empathy and understanding with each other, that’s what is going to save us.
Smithsonian Insider (2017)
It's that lack of understanding and empathy with each other as big power players that is a risk to us all at the moment.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Perhaps a bit like Stockholm syndrome, where hostages feel empathy and love towards their captors.
The Sun (2016)
Does a referee have to have a little bit more empathy because you have guys who are out on a Tuesday and Thursday and enjoy their rugby.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
We have a great gift for empathy.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
That warmth of true empathy makes us feel less alone.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Who displays empathy when others share struggles?
Christianity Today (2000)
Yet he has little empathy with his characters or their times.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The denial of empathy benefits no one.
Siegel, Bernie S. (MD) Love, Medicine and Miracles (1990)
My dad was a very tolerant man and had great empathy with people.
The Sun (2014)
It is impossible not to feel intense empathy with these athletes.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
His empathy is one of his advantages.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
He had a great empathy with horses and was a people person as well.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
But one can take empathy too far.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
As human beings we are supposed to be caring and to feel empathy for one another.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The lack of empathy we feel for the rest of the cast is the cost of the uncompromising execution of the idea.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
This is a generation fast losing its ability to show empathy, goes the argument.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
We see similar behaviour in chimpanzees and elephants Emotional empathy is not exclusive to humans.
The Sun (2016)
So why does he have such little empathy for Trott?
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
She has loads of friends - empathy and understanding come naturally to her.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
He has little "empathy"; he makes demands.
Peter F. Drucker MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices (1974)
And a little empathy wouldn't go amiss.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
I hope people the country over watch this and feel some empathy.
The Sun (2008)
He has an effortless empathy; an understanding earned by one who has walked a long way in their shoes.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Still less that I would think he was displaying empathy and emotional intelligence.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
In other languages
British English: empathy NOUN
Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own.
Having begun my life in a children's home I have great empathy with the little ones.
American English: empathy
Brazilian Portuguese: empatia
Chinese: 同感能力
European Spanish: empatía
French: sympathie
German: Einfühlungsvermögen
Italian: immedesimazione
Japanese: 共感
Korean: 공감
European Portuguese: empatia
Latin American Spanish: empatía
the ability to sense and understand someone else's feelings as if they were one's own
the king's empathy with the suffering of his people
We would like to thank them for their patience and understanding.
He felt a rush of feeling for the woman.
They have a strong appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.
They preach universal kindness and compassion.
He said he wanted to establish a rapport with them.
I was moved to tears of pity and deep commiseration.
Additional synonyms
in the sense of appreciation
awareness and understanding of a problem or difficulty
They have a strong appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.
in the sense of commiseration
I was moved to tears of pity and deep commiseration.
fellow feeling
in the sense of compassion
a feeling of distress and pity for the suffering or misfortune of another