An alarm clock is a clock that you can set to make a noise so that it wakes you up at a particular time.
I set my alarm clock for 4.30.
alarm clock in British English
a clock with a mechanism that sounds at a set time: used esp for waking a person up
alarm clock in American English
a clock that can be set to ring, buzz, or flash a light at any particular time, as to awaken a person
alarm clock in Hospitality
(əlɑrm klɒk)
Word forms: (regular plural) alarm clocks
(Hospitality (hotel): Hotel room, bedroom)
An alarm clock is a clock that you can set to make a noise so that it wakes you up at a particulartime.
Is there an alarm clock in the room?
The alarm clock doesn't work and I overslept.
Many hotels offer alarm clocks and wake-up calls to guests who need to rise early.
Words used with 'alarm clock'If you set an alarm clock, you press buttons on it so that it will make a noise at a particulartime, and if an alarm clock goes off, it starts to make a noise.