designating or of a speaker in which electric force is applied to metal plates, causing a diaphragm suspended between them to vibrate
Derived forms
electrostatically (eˌlectroˈstatically)
electrostatic in Electrical Engineering
(Electrical engineering: Circuits, Electrical power, Computing and control)
An electrostatic effect is an effect that relates to an electric field, or is created by an electric charge.
COLLOCATIONS: ~ charge~ energy~ discharge~effect
As electrostatic effects are dependent upon the potential and frequency, to produce the most powerfulaction it is desirable to increase both as far as practicable.
Electrostatic lines of force are strongest when the charged particles that create them are closetogether.
An electrostatic effect is an effect that relates to an electric field, or is created by an electriccharge.
All related terms of 'electrostatic'
electrostatic lens
an electron lens consisting of a system of metal electrodes , the electrostatic field of which focuses the charged particles
electrostatic unit
any unit that belongs to a system of electrical cgs units in which the electric constant is given the value of unity and is taken as a pure number
electrostatic field
an electric field associated with static electric charges
electrostatic units
the system of CGS electric and magnetic units that assigns the value of one to the dielectric constant of a vacuum
electrostatic generator
any device for producing a high voltage by building up a charge of static electricity
electrostatic precipitation
the removal of suspended solid particles from a gas by giving them an electric charge and attracting them to charged plates