Electoral is used to describe things that are connected with elections.
The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.
...Italy's electoral system of proportional representation.
electorallyadverb [ADVERB adjective/-ed, ADVERB after verb]
He believed that the policies were both wrong and electorally disastrous.
electoral in British English
(ɪˈlɛktərəl) or electorial (ɪˌlɛkˈtɔːrɪəl)
relating to or consisting of electors
Derived forms
electorally (eˈlectorally)
electoral in American English
(iˈlɛktərəl; ɪˈlɛktərəl; often ˌ ilɛkˈtɔrəl; ɪˌlɛktɔrəl)
of an election or electors
made up of electors
Examples of 'electoral' in a sentence
We, or rather you to be precise, are employing him much as you would a... an advertising company to promote an electoral campaign.
Loraine, Philip LOADED QUESTIONS (1993)
They set to resolving other problems, settling scores, planning initiatives which might lead to revival and electoral success.
Dobbs, Michael THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS (1993)
`There are 53 other states and territories, 500 other electoral college votes and 150 million other voters.
Dobbs, Michael WALL GAMES (1993)
He'd made an important financial contribution to their electoral campaign.
Collins, Larry BLACK EAGLES (1993)
In other languages
British English: electoral ADJECTIVE
Electoral is used to describe things that are connected with elections.
The party is campaigning for electoral reform.
American English: electoral
Brazilian Portuguese: eleitoral
Chinese: 与选举有关的
European Spanish: electoral
French: électoral
German: Wahl-
Italian: elettorale
Japanese: 選挙の
Korean: 선거의
European Portuguese: eleitoral
Latin American Spanish: electoral
All related terms of 'electoral'
electoral map
→ the electoral map
electoral roll
An electoral roll is the same as an → electoral register .
electoral vote
the number of electors that each state or federal district is allowed to have
electoral college
The electoral college is the system that is used in the United States in presidential elections . The electors in the electoral college act as representatives for each state, and they elect the president and vice-president.
electoral district
an area that is considered as unit for the purposes of an election
electoral register
An electoral register is an official list of all the people who have the right to vote in an election .
electoral boundaries
the way that a country or area is divided for the purposes of voting in an election
the electoral map
a map showing the distribution of constituencies over a country