a type of hornblende with the composition Na3(Fe,Mg)4FeSi8O22(OH)2
Examples of 'arfvedsonite' in a sentence
The experiments show the formation of polymineral reaction zones due to the contact interaction between charoite and microcline-arfvedsonite lamprophyre.
M. V. Marchuk, V. Ya. Medvedev, L. A. Ivanova, T. S. Sokolova, B. S. Danilov, D. P.Gladkochub 2016, 'CHAROITE. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES', Geodinamika i Tektonofizikahttps://www.gt-crust.ru/jour/article/view/225. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)