a republic in NE Africa, on the Mediterranean and Red Sea: its history dates back about 5000 years. Occupied by the British from 1882, it became an independent kingdom in 1922 and a republic in 1953. Over 96 per cent of the total area is desert, with the chief areas of habitation and cultivation in the Nile delta and valley. Cotton is the main export. Official language: Arabic. Official religion: Muslim; Sunni majority. Currency: pound. Capital: Cairo. Pop: 97 553 151 (2017 est). Area: 997 739 sq km (385 229 sq miles)
Official name: Arab Republic of Egypt. Former official name (1958–71): United Arab Republic
Egypt in American English1
country in NE Africa, on the Mediterranean and Red seas: ancient Egyptian dynasties may date back as far as 4500 b.c.; in modern times, occupied by the British in 1882 & achieved independence in 1922: 386,662 sq mi (1,001,451 sq km); pop. 48,205,000; cap. Cairo