the oval or round reproductive body laid by the females of birds, reptiles , fishes , insects, and some other animals, consisting of a developing embryo , its food store, and sometimes jelly or albumen , all surrounded by an outer shell or membrane
the oval or round reproductive body laid by the females of birds, reptiles , fishes , insects, and some other animals, consisting of a developing embryo , its food store, and sometimes jelly or albumen , all surrounded by an outer shell or membrane
An egg is an oval object that is produced by a female bird and which contains a baby bird. Other animals such as reptiles and fish also lay eggs.
birds' eggs
the eggs of birds
eggs Benedict
a dish consisting of toast , covered with a slice of ham , poached egg , and hollandaise sauce
scrambled eggs
scrambled eggs are eggs that are mixed together and then cooked in butter .
any of various creeping leguminous Eurasian plants of the genus Lotus , esp L . corniculatus , with red-tipped yellow flowers and seed pods resembling the claws of a bird
ant egg
the white pupa or larva of an ant , sold dried as food for pet fish, birds, turtles , etc
egg on
If you egg a person on , you encourage them to do something, especially something dangerous or foolish .
sea egg
a green sea urchin , Evichinus chloroticus , eaten in New Zealand
tea egg
a device with perforations used to infuse tea in a cup of boiling water
any of various plants, such as toadflax , the flowers of which are of two shades of yellow
barn egg
an egg laid by a chicken that is allowed to move freely within a barn
fried egg
A fried egg is an egg cooked in oil or fat .
good egg
a good person
goose egg
zero or a score of zero
nest egg
A nest egg is a sum of money that you are saving for a particular purpose .
to do too much of; elaborate on excessively; overdo: used mainly in the phrase over-egg the (or one's) pudding , to mar an undertaking by doing more than is necessary or desirable
sure as eggs is eggs
said to mean that you are very certain something will happen
boiled egg
an egg cooked in its shell in boiling water
Easter egg
An Easter egg is an egg made of chocolate that is given as a present at Easter. In some countries , Easter eggs are hidden and children then look for them.
Scotch egg
A Scotch egg is a hard-boiled egg that is covered with sausage meat and breadcrumbs , then fried.
battery egg
an egg from a battery hen
cleidoic egg
egg of birds and insects
curate's egg
something that has both good and bad parts
darning egg
a rounded piece of wood or plastic used in darning to support the fabric around the hole
ostrich egg
the large egg produced by a fast-running flightless African bird, Struthio camelus, that is the largest living bird, with stout two-toed feet and dark feathers , except on the naked head, neck , and legs : order Struthioniformes
poached egg
A poached egg is an egg cooked gently in boiling water, without its shell.
new-laid egg
an egg that has been freshly laid by a chicken
scrambled egg
eggs cooked as described at sense 7
free-range egg
an egg produced by a bird kept in natural nonintensive conditions
hard-boiled egg
A hard-boiled egg has been boiled in its shell until the whole of the inside is solid.
soft-boiled egg
an egg that has been boiled for a short time so that the yolk is still soft
the standard monetary unit of Papua New Guinea , divided into 100 toea
tea infuser
a device with perforations used to infuse tea in a cup of boiling water
a device with perforations used to infuse tea in a cup of boiling water
put all one's eggs in one basket
to stake everything on a single venture
put all your eggs in one basket
to put all your efforts or resources into one course of action with the result that you will have no alternatives left if this fails
teach your grandmother to suck eggs
to give advice about something to someone who actually knows more about it than you do
teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
to presume to teach someone something that he or she knows already
to put all your eggs in one basket
If someone puts all their eggs in one basket , they put all their effort or resources into doing one thing so that, if it fails , they have no alternatives left.
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
to sacrifice future benefits for the sake of momentary present needs
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
said to mean that it is impossible to achieve something without there being bad or unpleasant side-effects